This week has flown by in a swirling whirlwind of tornado proportions at times! And I don't just mean the weather. There is so much going on here at Harrow Way... from the Performing Arts department external exam performance for year 11 students; Year 8/9 visit to Cadbury's World, D&T visit to Crosfield Hall in Romsey, Peter Symonds interviews, A visiting artist, Year 11 History Revision workshop in Southampton, revision and catch up classes; to World book day. All in a week's work for students and staff here at Harrow Way.
The main topic for conversation this week has been the outbreak of the coronavirus, whether this is through the 24/7 news coverage or the updates I've received from Public Health England, which I've passed on to parents. It is a changing situation and one which we are monitoring very closely.
As you will have seen from the news, numbers of cases in the UK are continuing to rise and the Government has issued a plan to help contain, delay, research and mitigate. We do not have any confirmed staff, student or family cases of the virus.
We have also been encouraging all students to follow sensible hygiene precautions, including thoroughly and regularly washing hands for 20 seconds.

Department for Education Coronavirus Helpline
This week the DfE launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Updates on COVID-19:
Due to current demand, we have been unable to purchase our normal supplies of paracetamol for school use. We therefore have a very limited supply in school. If you know your child will need paracetamol on a regular basis, eg for known injuries, braces, etc, we would be grateful if you could provide them in the short term.
National Careers Week
This week is National Careers Week. The official NCW2020 film, 'HOPE' features young people of secondary and sixth form age discussing their thoughts about and hopes for the future. The film openly talks about feelings of hope, stress and worries for the future, and gives practical advice on how to deal with such things. The duration is 7.45 minutes. I highly recommend having a look.

World Book Day - Dressed Door Competition
Tutor Groups dressed their Tutor Room doors to celebrate World Book Day this week. The winner will be revealed on Monday - here is a look at just some of the doors - which one would you choose?

GideonsUK came to talk to year 7 in assembly this week about the history and importance of the bible offering a free copy to all students in that year group. Although our technical issues prevented him giving his assembly to year 9, with our other year groups Mr Fluellen explored the history of Britain's Patron Saints and their connection to our national identity.
Year 9 Curriculum Booklets
Option Booklets have been given to Year 9 students to read and discuss with their parents before attending the Curriculum Evening next Thursday 12th March and then meeting with senior staff at an individual appointment on 16th, 17th or 18th March.
Sporting Success
We were delighted to hear about the success of Cassius Mitchell, one of our Year 7 students, in the world of Kickboxing. He has recently competed for the WAKO British Title and in the Irish Open event. Cassius won the British Title in his division and came third in the Irish Open. We understand that these successes enable him to compete in the WAKO World Championships later this year. Well done, Cassius!
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Netball teams played again this week - Year 8 lost by a single goal, and our Year 7 team won 8-2.