All uniform is only available from our suppliers Stitch a Logo.

At Harrow Way we are very proud of our school uniform, which is an essential part of our school’s ethos. We believe that a smart uniform improves our students’ self-esteem and confidence and contributes to good behaviour, as well as helping them to feel part of their school community.

‘Look smart, think smart.’

School Uniform

Below are guidelines on which clothing styles are acceptable for school. All students are required to wear the uniform as designated in the school prospectus. Uniform guidelines are also outlined in the Student Diary.
  • Black School Jacket/Blazer with embroidered badge
  • Grey V-neck Jumpers are available as an optional additional item. Students who wear these must do so in addition to their blazer. The jumper does not replace the blazer.
  • Ties must be worn properly tied, with the top shirt button fastened. (Ties can also be purchased from School.)
  • Shirts must be white and worn tucked in with top button fastened.
  • Black School Trousers, plain black fabric in a classic style, also available through our stockist, Stitch-A-Logo. Students may only wear loose-fitting trousers; slim-fit, tight or stretch trousers are not permitted.
  • Tartan School Skirts only available through our stockist, Stitch-A-Logo. Skirts should be knee-length or just above the knee.
  • Tights should be plain and either natural or black.
  • Shoes must be black, plain and flat, and should be worn to and from school. Boots are not acceptable. Trainers must not be worn except for PE/Games lessons and for permitted sporting activities.
  • No denim or leather clothing is permitted.
  • Outside Coats should be plain and muted, with minimal or no logos. Denim and leather outside coats must not be worn.
  • Green Aprons for Food Technology are compulsory for the lower years.
  • Jewellery The wearing of jewellery is not permitted, with the exception of watches and a small ear stud (no more than one per ear lobe). No other facial or body jewellery is allowed. Facial piercings are unacceptable, clear piercings or wearing a plaster over a nose stud are not acceptable.
    Students and parents should be aware that if we feel that the amount or nature of jewellery worn by a student is inappropriate or unreasonable, they will be expected to remove it.
  • Make-Up Too much make-up is inappropriate and in these cases the student will be asked to remove it. Only clear nail varnish may be worn. False nails/extensions are not permitted. False eyelashes or extensions are also not permitted.
  • No Hoodies or Baseball Caps are permitted.
  • Hair, Extreme styles and colours are not acceptable. Only ‘natural’ hair colours are permitted.

Trousers for all students may be straight-legged or slightly flared, but MUST NOT be leggings or narrow fitting at the bottom of the trouser.

We are grateful for parents’ support in upholding high expectations for our uniform.
PE Kit

The following must be worn for all games and PE activities:

  • The school’s short-sleeved red and black sports polo shirt.
  • The school’s badged PE shorts.
  • Knee length football/hockey socks available from Stitch-a-logo or plain black alternative.
  • Sports footwear.
  • For all PE and games activities, students with long hair must provide themselves with hair ties or clips to keep hair off the face.
  • All jewellery must be removed.

Optional Items:

  • For Years 7-10, either the school’s over-tops and tracksuit bottoms available from Stitch-a-logo may be worn for PE in cold weather, over the standard school PE kit listed above.
  • Gum shields are strongly recommended for hockey and rugby activities.
  • If leggings are worn for PE these must be under shorts as a base layer.
  • If selected to play for a school team, shin-pads will be needed.

Students are required to bring full PE kit to every lesson, even if ill or injured, and must change into it unless physically unable to do so. Students can then be involved in the lesson in a non-performing role and will wear suitable warm clothing when outside.

Dance Uniform

Year 9

  • Black leggings/bottoms or PE shorts
  • Red PE top only or PE shorts
  • No hoodies

Year 10 & 11

  • Black leggings/bottoms or PE shorts
  • Black polo shirts (Harrow Way dance tops)
  • No hoodies

For health and safety reasons, jewellery is not permitted during dance lessons and should be removed.

Socks are not permitted during dance lessons.

Students with long hair must provide themselves with hair ties or clips to tie their hair back.

Summer Uniform

We have introduced a Summer uniform that can be worn in the second half of the Summer term or at the Headteacher’s discretion.

The summer uniform is of course entirely optional; we hope that students who choose to wear this will feel more comfortable in school during the warmer weather. Items can be purchased from most online retailers and local supermarkets.

Here are the Summer Unifrom guidelines:

  • Both boys and girls may wear a plain, light grey polo shirt. No logos/designer names will be allowed.
  • Both boys and girls may also wear tailored, black shorts that are knee-length. No cycling shorts/tight shorts will be allowed.
  • Summer uniform is not compulsary but a tie will be required if a shirt/blouse is worn.

The correct school uniform should be worn at all times, including on the way to and from school. However, if owing to special circumstances students are not in uniform they should carry a signed note from home in their student diary, which explains why and states when the situation will be rectified. The note should be countersigned by the Tutor.