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Mask Wearing Update
As you may be aware, the Government has announced that, from Monday 17 May 2021, students are no longer required to wear masks around school, either in class or in [...]
Extra-Curricular Clubs – Summer 2021
Following on from the successful launch of a number of extra-curricular PE activities last term we are very pleased to be able to add a number of other activities to [...]
Harrow Way Elevates Year 10 Study Skills
Harrow Way Community School Year 10 students recently got a serious study skill boost with Elevate Education. The award-winning experts delivered two of their specialist workshops which are designed to [...]
Summer Term 2021
Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you had a well-earned rest over the Easter break. Having students back at the end of the last term was amazing and we have been very [...]
Close Contacts – Self-Isolating
Parents can read the government guidelines for school in the instance of a positive case and close contacts here The key information is listed below: Minimise contact with individuals who [...]
Re-opening of Harrow Way from Community School from Monday 8th March
Dear Parent/Carer We hope that everyone in your household is well and that your children are looking forward to coming back to school. Below is the schedule for the way [...]