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Amazing Alice Day – Friday 21st May

This May we mark 4 years since Alice Razza passed away. Alice was a Year 11 student who sadly died of cancer in her last year at Harrow Way. Every [...]

Mask Wearing Update

As you may be aware, the Government has announced that, from Monday 17 May 2021, students are no longer required to wear masks around school, either in class or in [...]

Extra-Curricular Clubs – Summer 2021

Following on from the successful launch of a number of extra-curricular PE activities last term we are very pleased to be able to add a number of other activities to [...]

Harrow Way Elevates Year 10 Study Skills

Harrow Way Community School Year 10 students recently got a serious study skill boost with Elevate Education. The award-winning experts delivered two of their specialist workshops which are designed to [...]

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