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COVID 19 Testing
We hope our school community have had a relaxing half term break. In order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we would appreciate as many people as possible completing [...]
Harrow Way Welcomes Lieutenant-General Sir Freddie Viggers
Lieutenant-General Freddie Viggers, recently visited Harrow Way to thank the school’s teaching team and staff for all the work done supporting students and parents through the ongoing pandemic. The Lieutenant-General visited [...]
COVID-19 Vaccinations – 12-15-Year-Olds
You will be aware that the government announced that all children aged 12 to 15 in England will be offered one dose of the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccination, following advice [...]
Enrichment Clubs – Autumn Term 2021
The new list of after school sports clubs for the Autumn Term has been released and viewable here. A full list of extra-curricular enrichment activities can be viewed here. [...]
Letter from the Headteacher for the Start of Term
Please follow this link to read Mr Serridge's letter regarding arrangements for the Autumn Term. The link has also been emailed home to all parents today.
Hot Weather Update
Update for parents: As the hot weather is continuing, we are allowing students to wear their Harrow Way PE kit to school for the rest of the week if they [...]