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COVID 19 Testing

We hope our school community have had a relaxing half term break. In order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we would appreciate as many people as possible completing [...]

Harrow Way Welcomes Lieutenant-General Sir Freddie Viggers

Lieutenant-General Freddie Viggers, recently visited Harrow Way to thank the school’s teaching team and staff for all the work done supporting students and parents through the ongoing pandemic. The Lieutenant-General visited [...]

COVID-19 Vaccinations – 12-15-Year-Olds

You will be aware that the government announced that all children aged 12 to 15 in England will be offered one dose of the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccination, following advice [...]

Enrichment Clubs – Autumn Term 2021

The new list of after school sports clubs for the Autumn Term has been released and viewable here. A full list of extra-curricular enrichment activities can be viewed here.   [...]

Hot Weather Update

Update for parents: As the hot weather is continuing, we are allowing students to wear their Harrow Way PE kit to school for the rest of the week if they [...]

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