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Harrow Way Cricket Run Down

Under 13 – Tuesday 13th June 2017 (Under 15 report below) A promising team lead by County player Josh Banks-Williams headed to John Hanson with high [...]

Community Fun Day 2017

In aid of local charities, a Community Family Fun Day is being held at Vigo Recreational Ground on Saturday 17th June, 12pm - 8pm. See poster for more details. [...]

Goodbye to our Year 11 Students!

Today we celebrated the last five years of our Year 11 Students and at a special celebration leavers assembly. The 180 members of year 11 as well as their tutors [...]

Hampshire Schools Athletics Championships

On Saturday 10th June, some Harrow Way students took part in the Hampshire Schools Athletics Championships, after being selected from the Andover District Competitions. Special mention to the following students [...]

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