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Harrow Way Celebrate European Day of Languages

On the 26th September, Harrow Way celebrated the European Day of Languages. The aim of the day is to understand the diversity of language and culture within Europe. The European [...]

Harrow Way GCSE Students are Top of the Class

The government’s changes to GCSE grading this year hasn’t held back Harrow Way students who this morning celebrated another set of outstanding results. An impressive 80% [...]

Year 5 Activity Days 2017

Last week we ran two very successful Year 5 Activity Days, where over 400 students came to Harrow Way to have a taster day of Secondary school education. Students experienced [...]

Presentation Evening – Years 7, 9 & 10

On Monday 17th July, we held our Presentation Evening for students in Years 7, 9 & 10, to celebrate their successes over the past year. Awards were presented for Effort [...]

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