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Winter Music Concert

This year's Christmas celebrations got to a start with the Music department's Winter Concert. Over 100 students took part this year, performing in the school choir, guitar club, School of [...]

Andover District Girls Football

Great win for the Year 7 and 8 girls football team at the Andover District 5-a-side tournament tonight. They beat John Hanson B 2-0 and Testbourne A 1-0 in the [...]

KS4 Leavers Presentation Evening 2017

On Monday 13th November we welcomed back our outgoing Year 11 students at their KS4 Presentation Evening. Students from the class of 2017 returned to collect their GCSE certificates and [...]

KS3 Badminton

The KS3 team played in the District Badminton Competition and placed a very creditable second overall. The standard was extremely high with all out pupils playing very well. Jacob Simmons [...]

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