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School CLOSED Friday 2nd March 2018

The Met Office website states that conditions will deteriorate this afternoon and through the night, therefore, we are very concerned for the safety of students and colleagues should they attempt [...]

School CLOSED Thursday 1st March 2018

Given the current weather conditions and the met office's forecast for further heavier snow throughout the morning today, Harrow Way school will be closed today on Thursday 1st March.​  The Pre-School [...]

Weather Conditions

We have just had a communication from Children’s Services for Hampshire Schools. The forecast for Hampshire on Thursday 1st March is that there will be a light snowfall from approximately 4.00 [...]

Netball Results – Year 7 & 8

The Year 7 and 8 netball teams were out on the court on Wednesday, unfortunately both losing their games against John Hanson. Year 7 team lost 15-6, with their best [...]

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