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KS4 Presentation Evening 2018

We said our final farewell to the Class of 2018 on the evening of Monday 12th November at the Annual Key Stage 4 Presentation Evening. Harrow Way welcomed back students [...]

Harrow Way Green Meets Stannah Grey

Celebrating its 151st year with the launch of the Joseph Stannah Foundation, Stannah hosted their own ‘Green meets Grey’ STEM day recently. With the aim of [...]

Andover 215 Project

Harrow Way Art Department have been busy over the last couple of weeks decorating wooden cut-outs of WW1 soldiers for the Andover 215 Project. The project is in remembrance of [...]

Year 10 Work Experience – Parent Information

Harrow Way Community School, last night launched Year 10 Work Experience to a gathering of parents and students. During the event, Mr Peebles outlined a number of key aspects to [...]

Basingstoke College of Technology – Open Day

Basingstoke College of Technology (BCoT) are holding an Open Day on Saturday 17 November, 10.30am to 12.30pm. To register and more information visit their website: During this event, you [...]

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