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Tree of Trees planted at Harmony Woods

On Friday 14th October, a handful of Harrow Way’s students, who have been working closely with Andover Trees United at Harmony Woods, represented Harrow Way Community School to witness [...]

Ofsted Report – July 2022

Following the most recent Ofsted inspection of Harrow Way Community on 14th and 15th July 2022, it is with great pleasure that I share below a copy of the Report [...]

Harrow Way GCSE Students are Top of the Class

Despite the huge disruption of numerous national lockdowns in 2020 and 2021, Harrow Way students and teachers are celebrating the class of 2022 this morning. Many staff joined the students [...]

Harrow Way Unveils New Student Leadership Team

Harrow Way Community School has unveiled its new Student Leadership Team for 2022/23. During a special assembly the school announced the successful applicants including Head Boy Tom Bedwell, Head Girl [...]

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