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Getting GCSE Exam Ready
Only in the first school week of 2020 and the finishing line is very much in sight for all our Year 11s! With that in mind [...]
The Harrow Way Eagle Newsletter – Winter 2019
Our latest Newsletter, including the 'Head's Corner' and a summary of all the news and events that's happened at Harrow Way over the last term, can be viewed here. Spring [...]
Catering Students Rise to the Further Education Challenge
Harrow Way Catering students were put through their culinary paces following a masterclass from BCoT (Basingstoke College of Technology) Chef Lecturer Justin Mundy. While delivering an [...]
Year 7 Students Explore Life on the Historic High Seas
Harrow Way Year 7 students were transported back to the 18th century during a recent trip to Portsmouth’s Historic Dockyard. The visit, as part of a [...]
Year 7 Girls Football Tournament
Year 7 girls played together for the first time on Wednesday in an indoor 5-a-side football tournament held at Rookwood. Phoebe played two great games in goal during the round [...]
KS4 Presentation Evening 2019
We said our final farewell to the Class of 2019 on the evening of Thursday 14th November at the Annual Key Stage 4 Presentation Evening. Harrow Way welcomed back students [...]