Vocational Education
Some students will be invited to take vocational courses. This decision is based on their target minimum grades and their suitability. Some of these courses will take place in school and some maybe offsite.
The aim of the course is to develop skills for employment including:
- Communication
- Problem solving
- Team working
- Independent learning
- Presentation
- Commitment
- Enthusiasm

Curriculum Content
Key Stage 4
Students undertake a variety of challenges and activities to develop their confidence and employability skills including teamwork, communication, organisation, planning, problem solving and decision making. In addition there is a study of the world of work including the stages involved in getting a job, finance, health and safety and employment law.
Build Up
We believe that it is our responsibility to develop young people to be the best person they can be.
In conjunction with our PiXL partners, we have launched a new initiative for a bespoke group of students. This initiative, called Build Up, seeks to value, encourage and most importantly, equip our young people with the skills they need to succeed when they leave us. Students are carefully selected for this opportunity by the Year Leader and the Raising Standards Leader.
During two lessons a week, they will have the opportunity to develop key skills required to become successful employees or even future employers. In addition to creating a personal development plan and working on skills such as resilience, responsibility, organisation and confidence, there are study opportunities to reinforce their literacy and numeracy skills, which of course are required in all aspects of life. PiXL have offered us significant resources to use with this group of students. We are going to benefit from Maths Whizz, GCSEpod, Tassomai, Renaissance and iAchieve, which we are certain will have an impact. iAchieve also offers students the opportunity to gain another meaningful qualification, recognised by colleges and employers.
This initiative is in addition to the options that your son/daughter may choose and is part of our enrichment programme. We hope that it will inspire this bespoke group to recognise their innate worth and many talents as well as support them with study skills and the challenges presented at this stage of their academic career.