Welcome to the RE and Philosophy Department
This subject is a part of the curriculum for all students in every year. At Harrow Way, the Hampshire County Council based National Curriculum Syllabus Living Difference IV is followed. Parents need to be aware, however, of their right to withdraw their children from the subject and if they wish to do so, should contact the Headteacher in writing, so that suitable alternative arrangements can be made. It is not the purpose of the teaching in this subject to indoctrinate the views of any one faith, but to provide a framework within which to study the major aspects of a variety of ideas and faiths.. Students are shown how this can be worked out in practice, giving students the opportunity to develop and test their own beliefs against these standards, and to study moral and ethical questions and understand the importance of a question to which nobody can know the answer.
As clearly laid down by National Curriculum Criteria, Christianity has to occupy a central place within this teaching. In addition, students will be introduced to Judaism, Islam and Philosophy and hopefully see the link between the three religions. As students progress through KS3 they will also be introduced to Social and Moral issues as the entire curriculum is interleaved with our SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) topics such as critical thinking, faith, and what is important to people will all be considered.
Curriculum Content
Key Stage 3
Year 7
- Animal Rights (speciesism)
- Christianity; Agape, God, Church
- What do religious people mean by Sacred?
- Authority (The 5 Pillars)
- What is the Trinity?
Year 8
- Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
- The Crusades
- Without the crucifixion would there be Christianity?
- Resurrection and Ascension
- Was Israel a Reward for the Holocaust?
Year 9
- Relationships
- Life and Death
- Good and Evil
- Human Rights
- Morality; Charlie Gard and whether slavery has been abolished.
- Murder
Key Stage 4
A GCSE Full Course option to study Philosophy and Ethics and Religious Education to examination level in Years 10 and 11 is offered through Eduqas. This new Edugas GCSE Religious Studies specification includes the following units:
Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World:
- Theme 1: Issues of Relationships
- Theme 2: Issues of Life and Death
- Theme 3: Issues of Good and Evil
- Theme 4: Issues of Human Rights
- The study of Christianity
- The study of Islam
Year 10
- Christianity beliefs and teachings
- The Nature of God
- Creation
- Jesus Christ
- Salvation
- Eschatological beliefs
- Christianity practices
- Forms of worship
- The sacraments
- Pilgrimage and celebrations
- Christianity in Britain
- Worldwide Church
- Islam; beliefs and teachings
- What is Islam?
- The Islamic Community
- Foundations of Faith
- Nature of Allah
- Risalah
- Malaikah
- Akhirah
- Islam; practices
- 5 pillars
- Jihad
- Festivals and commemoration
- 10 obligatory acts
Year 11
- Spiral Curriculum: Philosophy and Ethics
- Issues of Relationships
- Issues of Life and Death
- Issues of Good and Evil
- Issues of Human Rights
- Spiral Curriculum: Christianity and Islam.
- Christianity; beliefs and practices
- Islam; beliefs and practices
- Revision of exam practice
- Component 1, 2, 3 will be between May 8th and June 7th.