
Premier League U13 Girls Regional Tournament

2016-03-14T10:32:21+00:00March 14th, 2016|

On Wednesday 9th March, eight Year 8 girls travelled to Southampton to compete in the Premier League U13 Girls Regional Tournament. In the rain which persisted all day, the girls played superbly. In the group stages Harrow Way played 5 matches, and needed to win at least three of them to [...]

Year 8 Netball

2016-03-09T11:01:27+00:00March 9th, 2016|

The Year 8 Netball team played Rookwood school on Tuesday evening and unfortunately were defeated 5-12. Team: Izzy Kirby, Amber Cherrington, Izzy White, Liberty Southgate, Agata Smigla, Caitlyn Wiseman, Grace Farrelly. Players' player of the match - Izzy Kirby. Coaches player of the match - Agata Smigla

Year 7 Football Team Win

2016-03-02T12:27:24+00:00March 2nd, 2016|

Following the teams tense win on penalties in their last game, this week they travelled to Wellington Academy for an Andover and District League fixture. The team started brightly and did not look back eventually winning 10-1. Aston Mussell, Dylan Willard , David Chubinidze and Finn Belbin all scored 2 goals each. Scott Walker was [...]

Year 7 and 8 District Basketball Competition

2016-02-26T10:22:40+00:00February 26th, 2016|

The 3v3 District Basketball Competition was held at Test Valley School . We entered two teams and both teams played very well with some excellent skills shown. Alex Enright was top scorer with 4 baskets scored in just one game. Although we did not qualify for the regional competition is was excellent to see the [...]

Year 7 Rugby and Football Wins

2016-02-12T13:07:03+00:00February 10th, 2016|

On Monday 8th of February at a wintery Test Valley School, Harrow Way year 7's became the champions of the first of the 2016's district schools rugby tournaments. The boys arrived full of ambition and were soon into the action playing Test Valley A's. The game was contested well but ended in a stalemate with [...]

KS3 Netball Results

2016-02-04T12:32:00+00:00February 4th, 2016|

Both our Year 7 & 8 netball teams were in action on the netball court this week at the Clere School. Year 7 were victorious with an 8-3 win, under captaincy of Victoria Butler. Coaches' player of the match was Donna Doig. The Year 8 team also claimed victory with a 3-0 win, best player [...]

Year 9 Football

2016-01-29T16:08:06+00:00January 29th, 2016|

The year 9 football team won convincingly against Test Valley in the Quarter Final of the Winchester and District Cup. They initially conceded a goal within 5 minutes due a defensive mix up but responded with a great display of direct attacking football to win 10-1. Man of the match was Callum Dewhurst with a [...]

Girls Football Success

2017-03-07T10:21:03+00:00January 27th, 2016|

The Harrow Way Year 8 and 9 Girls Football team made it two district champions in two successive weeks following the Year 9 and 10 girls last week. They produces an excellent display in the District Tournament, held at Wellington Academy, remaining unbeaten in 5 games. Won v Rookwood 1-0 - scorer Megan Davies Won [...]

Year 8 Football – Cup Game Battle

2016-01-20T15:49:10+00:00January 20th, 2016|

Harrow Way’s Year 8 football team made the journey to Mountbatten School on Tuesday evening to compete in the last 16 of the Eastleigh, Winchester & Andover District Schools Cup. After an unconvincing first half display, the side went in to the break 1-0 down. A highly motivated and passionate team [...]

Year 9 Climbing

2016-01-15T14:23:14+00:00January 15th, 2016|

Year 9 GCSE pupils have been completing their climbing sessions at Sparsholt College. Students from the college have instructed our pupils over a series of sessions. This has been and excellent opportunity to use the amazing facilities at Sparsholt and the Year 9 pupils have enjoyed it immensely. This has complemented the climbing instruction all [...]

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