Year 10 Phased Return

2020-06-09T12:57:14+01:00June 9th, 2020|

Dear Parents/Carers and Students I am writing to you again to outline arrangements for the return of Year 10 pupils to Harrow Way School in line with the guidance received from the Department of Education. Below are the arrangements for the return from 15th June 2020. Places have been given to families that responded [...]

Year 10 Return Update

2020-06-02T13:19:00+01:00June 2nd, 2020|

Dear Parents/Carers and Year 10 Students Year 10 return: – Following the announcement by the Prime Minister on Sunday 24th May regarding the return of Year 10 and 12 pupils, I have received further guidance from the Department of Education on how this is to be implemented.  Clearly as a result of this guidance, the school [...]

Year 10 Students – parent update

2020-05-22T13:16:36+01:00May 22nd, 2020|

Thank you for completing the google form that was sent through on Monday. After careful consideration, I have decided that the earliest we will consider opening for year 10 students in any form will be the week beginning the 8th June. The 1st June was always more an ambition than an expectation and I can [...]

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 – parent update

2020-05-22T10:00:07+01:00May 22nd, 2020|

Firstly can we say a huge thank you for supporting your child during this difficult time. Without parental support we could not continue to educate your children – you really are a vital part of our school community. Guidance from the Government has obviously changed in recent days and we are [...]

Government announcement – phased reopening 

2020-05-15T11:49:49+01:00May 15th, 2020|

As I am sure you will have seen last weekend, the Prime Minister announced plans to ease some of the current lockdown measures as part of a “conditional plan” to reopen society. The plans include the proposal for a phased reopening of primary schools from 1st June beginning with Reception, Year [...]

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