Hot Weather Update

2022-04-21T09:19:29+01:00July 18th, 2021|

Update for parents: As the hot weather is continuing, we are allowing students to wear their Harrow Way PE kit to school for the rest of the week if they wish to instead of normal uniform. Alternatively, students may also wear their normal school uniform, without a blazer or tie if they wish. We strongly [...]

Harrow Way – update on coronavirus restrictions and the new academic year

2022-04-21T09:19:52+01:00July 7th, 2021|

Dear Parent/Carer  As you will be aware, on Monday the Prime Minister shared with the nation his plans for easing the Coronavirus situation. On Tuesday afternoon the Secretary of State for Education also shared with schools the steps that will be taken which will include easing of restrictions from students having to self-isolate, the use of face coverings [...]

Student Leadership Team for 2021/22

2021-09-14T12:09:27+01:00June 8th, 2021|

We are delighted to share with you our Senior Prefect Team for the coming year. We began this process when we returned to school in March. We asked students to submit letters of applications to indicate their interest in leading our school. Over half the year group had applied! During the interview process, we were [...]

Former Head Boy Returns Following Oxford University Success

2021-05-24T09:34:17+01:00May 24th, 2021|

Former Harrow Way head boy Mark Todd returned to the school this week having successfully completing his Masters degree at the University of Oxford. Mark, who studied physics at the UK’s top university, visited the school to meet Headteacher Michael Serridge and current students. Commenting about his time at Harrow Way and how it helped [...]

Amazing Alice Day – Friday 21st May

2021-05-20T08:30:30+01:00May 20th, 2021|

This May we mark 4 years since Alice Razza passed away. Alice was a Year 11 student who sadly died of cancer in her last year at Harrow Way. Every year we raise money for the Amazing Alice charity - this year we raised an amazing £780.

Annual Parent Questionnaire Results – May 2021

2021-05-18T09:32:47+01:00May 18th, 2021|

Dear Parent/Carer Thank you to all of you who took the time to provide responses to our annual parent questionnaires this year. They are an invaluable way for the school to find out what is important to you and how we can continue to develop and improve the school for the benefit of your children.  We [...]

Mask Wearing Update

2021-05-13T09:45:18+01:00May 13th, 2021|

As you may be aware, the Government has announced that, from Monday 17 May 2021, students are no longer required to wear masks around school, either in class or in communal areas. All other protective measures will remain in place and regular rapid testing will continue to help find and isolate asymptomatic cases when they [...]

Extra-Curricular Clubs – Summer 2021

2021-05-07T10:00:05+01:00May 7th, 2021|

Following on from the successful launch of a number of extra-curricular PE activities last term we are very pleased to be able to add a number of other activities to the programme that all students can attend. These extra activities will start from Tuesday 18th May.

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