Winning Week in Rounders

2018-06-08T08:35:25+01:00June 8th, 2018|

The Year 10 team played two games this week and very victorious in both. On Tuesday the girls beat Rookwood in a closely fought game, 12 1/2 rounders to 11. Batter of the game went to India Jones, Fielder of the game was bowler Grace Farrelly. On Wednesday they played Winton, winning 25 1/2 rounders [...]

Year 7 Student receives Attitude for Gratitude Award

2018-06-05T09:19:47+01:00June 5th, 2018|

Year 7 student Megan was presented an Attitude for Gratitude Award on Monday 4th June by the Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Phil North, on behalf of local Anti-Litter campaigner Manuela. The award, only the 13th presented in 8 years, was presented to Megan after her great enthusiasm, drive and positive attitude during a [...]

Harrow Way Celebrates Best Performance in UK Junior Maths Challenge

2018-05-23T13:35:26+01:00May 23rd, 2018|

Harrow Way Community School are celebrating their best ever performance in the annual UK Junior Maths Challenge (UKMC), a national competition organised by the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT). Overall the gifted Year 7 and 8 mathematicians achieved two Golds, ten Silver and 14 Bronze awards, with Year 8 Shaun Scratchley also [...]

NCT Family Fun Day

2018-05-11T10:24:24+01:00May 11th, 2018|

Andover NCT are holding a Family Fun Day on Saturday 19th May 2018 at Finkley Down Farm, Andover, SP116NF. 11am to 3pm. Raising money in aid of Andover NCT Branch for vital breastfeeding support in Andover. More information and 30% admission here.

Rounders Results

2018-05-09T09:06:07+01:00May 9th, 2018|

A second win out of two for the Year 9 team, this time beating Winton 15 1/2 rounders to 11 1/2. Player of the match, Donna Doig. A hastily gathered Year 8 team were also victorious, winning 17 1/2 rounders to 7 1/2. Player of the match, Faith Holman. [...]

Ocado Give Harrow Way Students Behind the Scenes Access

2018-04-30T09:33:54+01:00April 30th, 2018|

Members of Harrow Way’s Girls’ Computing Club were given a rare insight into the hi-tech world of online shopping recently. Visiting Ocado’s latest warehouse the team of students saw how the online retailer is using the latest in robotic technology to fulfil customer orders. The new Andover facility, which employs over [...]

Andover Trees United – Volunteers Required

2018-04-26T09:54:50+01:00April 26th, 2018|

Andover Trees United is a volunteer-led group and registered charity working in partnership with local businesses, specialist environmental organisations, artists and other creative practitioners to promote conservation and improve access to natural wild spaces. They are looking for adult volunteers to help them succeed their goal of creating 10 years of woodland, involving every young [...]

Year 8 & 9 Rounders Results

2018-04-26T08:23:08+01:00April 26th, 2018|

The first matches of the season brought about mixed results against Test Valley. The 8-strong Year 9 team clinched a close-fought victory 13 1/2 rounders to 13. Player of the match was Anita L. However the Year 8 team lost 16 1/2 to 5 1/2. Teams: Year 9 - Donna Doig, Emily Cook, Martha Cooper, [...]

Indian Themed Menu

2018-04-16T11:45:35+01:00April 16th, 2018|

The school canteen are providing a Indian themed menu for lunch on Thursday 17th April. Items will include Chicken Korma, Beef Rogan Josh, Sweet Potato and Lentil Curry, all served with rice and accompaniments. The full menu and prices can be viewed here.

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