Harrow Way Presented TDTN Silver Award

2018-09-14T09:57:48+01:00September 14th, 2018|

Harrow Way Community School’s commitment to the highest standards in teaching and learning has been recognised by the Teacher Development Trust Network (TDNT). Receiving high praise from the auditors the school was awarded their prestigious Silver Award. Commenting on their visit to the school where auditors interviewed teaching and support staff [...]

Year 11 Parents’ Information Evening

2018-09-10T11:39:24+01:00September 4th, 2018|

On Monday 10th September from 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm we will be holding a Year 11 Parents Information Evening. During the evening you will be hearing essential information from members of the Senior Leadership Team and other colleagues on: The recent changes to GCSE and other qualifications Information to help support your child during [...]

Harrow Way GCSE Students Excel in Toughest GCSEs Exams Yet

2018-09-02T14:34:19+01:00August 23rd, 2018|

Although this year’s GCSE exams were predicted to be the toughest yet, following government reforms which revamped assessment and grading, Harrow Way students are smiling widely this morning. In English an impressive 81% of students achieved a GCSE grade 9 to 4 (equivalent to the former A* to C) with 24% [...]

Year 10 Rounders Result

2018-07-18T08:17:44+01:00July 18th, 2018|

Harrow Way: 20 1/2, Wellington Academy: 9 The last game of the season, and the girls' last ever rounders match ended with a resounding win against Wellington Academy. An excellent team performance combined consistent hard hits when batting with accurate and controlled fielding. Everyone contributed to the batting score, with Amelia Kalwajtys scoring an impressive [...]

Hampshire Cultural Trust – Free Summer Holiday Activities

2018-07-13T11:49:43+01:00July 13th, 2018|

This summer we have lots of fun things going on all across Hampshire, for all ages and many of which are free. As well as featuring gardens and gizmos, we have our big summer event at Milestones Museum, “Mission Mega Machine” a fully interactive science exhibition featuring inventions and innovations developed in Hampshire. Come along [...]

Start of Term Arrangements – Autumn 2018

2018-07-13T10:45:02+01:00July 13th, 2018|

We will be publishing a complete calendar of events for 2018/19 at the end of term in the Summer Newsletter. However, we would like to confirm the start of term arrangements and INSET Days for 2018/19: Monday 3rd September - INSET Day Tuesday 4th September - Year 7 and Year 11 prefects only Wednesday 5th [...]

Sports Day 2018

2018-07-12T13:47:14+01:00July 12th, 2018|

This year our annual sports day was turned upside down due to the hot weather. To make the most of the cooler morning weather our track races took place at the start of the day. Before lunch saw all students out on the field, after the track races a wide variety of sports took place [...]

Year 5 Activity Days 2018

2018-07-11T14:29:27+01:00July 11th, 2018|

On Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th July, Harrow Way welcomed over 400 Year 5 students from 10 Andover Primary schools to experience life at Harrow Way. Students took part in lessons, having a taste of different subjects the school provides, including Design Technology, Catering, Geography, History, ICT, Dance and Art.

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