Primary Town Football Tournament

2019-03-22T14:16:55+00:00March 22nd, 2019|

On Thursday 21st March. Harrow Way hosted the Primary Town Football tournament. This involved sixteen teams across two rounds of competition and over one hundred and fifty budding footballers. With competition at an all time high and Balksbury not willing to release their grip on the Cup every team fared well in the preliminary rounds [...]

Rotary Photograph Competition – Runners Up

2019-03-19T13:22:15+00:00March 19th, 2019|

In January, Photography Students were set the challenge to take photographs for a live competition run by the Rotary Club. Students were required to take a portfolio of 3 images responding to the theme 'The Beauty of Nature'. There were over 100 entries from year 9 and 10 students and even more from schools [...]

History Lesson Follows in the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper

2019-03-15T09:39:06+00:00March 15th, 2019|

Harrow Way Community School history students were given a grisly taste of London’s historic crime scene during a recent trip to the capital. Year 10 students followed in the footsteps of the serial killer Jack the Ripper, visited the Tower of London, notable for its famous and infamous prisoners, and explored [...]

Year 7 Rugby – Excellent Second Half Come Back

2019-03-14T14:59:09+00:00March 14th, 2019|

The Year 7 Rugby Team hosted Wellington Academy in the District Rugby Competition on Wednesday 13th March. At half time they trailed 5-25 with the visitors dominating open play. The defence was restructured and from this the team built in confidence playing some good open running Rugby. Albie Head commanded the team from Scrum Half, [...]

National Careers Week, 4th – 8th March 2019

2019-03-11T12:35:44+00:00March 11th, 2019|

National Careers Week (4th – 8th March) has been a whirlwind of activity at Harrow Way; we have welcomed in over twenty five different professionals who have delivered forty sessions to students from Year 7 all the way up to Year 11. We have had an impressive range of guest speakers: [...]

Harrow Way’s Dmitrijs Meiksans Elected to UK Youth Parliament

2019-03-08T12:13:55+00:00March 8th, 2019|

Harrow Way’s Dmitrijs Meiksans has been successful in his bid to win a seat in the UK Youth Parliament. The Year 8 student stood for election and following a successful campaign with over 1000 votes cast by young people for the contested seat, is now the elected MYP (Member of the [...]

KS4 Girls Football Tournament Success

2019-03-06T09:17:06+00:00March 6th, 2019|

Harrow Way's team, made up of players from Years 9,10 and 11 were victorious in a triangular tournament held at John Hanson on Tuesday 5th March. The girls won the first game, against John Hanson, 3-0, with Sky scoring early on in the first and second half and Katie scoring the third. The second game [...]

Finalists in the District Year 9 Basketball Competition

2019-03-04T10:26:38+00:00March 4th, 2019|

The Year 9 team played extremely well to qualify from their group with good wins over Test Valley B team and Rookwood to gain a place in the Cup Semi-final. Here they played Test Valley A with the scores tied at half time. The game went into a sudden death play off where Harrow Way [...]

Good Win for Year 10 Rugby Team

2019-03-04T10:26:57+00:00March 4th, 2019|

On a lovely Spring like day, the Year 10 rugby team produced a great performance that showed immense character and team work. Toynbee School scored the only try in the first half to lead into the second. However, a rousing performance built on a dominating scrum and breakdown helped Harrow Way score two tries, one [...]

Imperial War Museum Brings WWI and WWII to Life for Students

2019-02-26T09:23:33+00:00February 26th, 2019|

A recent trip to London’s impressive Imperial War Museum helped bring World War I and II to life for Harrow Way Year 8 History students. The Museum, with its incredible collection of objects, gave students a unique insight into the wars as they explored human stories of the time, discovering how [...]

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