Hampshire Safe

2020-02-03T10:54:52+00:00February 3rd, 2020|

Harrow Way have joined along with other Andover Schools and College on a drug prevention initiative, Hampshire Safe. We believe that by working together we can collectively not only raise awareness of the impact of substance misuse but also put measures in place to stop it from happening at our schools and colleges. You can [...]

PiXL Unlock App – Improving Vocabulary

2020-01-31T10:27:03+00:00January 31st, 2020|

This week has seen the launch of a new educational app Unlock to which every student will have access in tutor time once a week as part of our drive to improve students’ literacy skills. In assembly, Mr Mann and Mrs German talked about the importance of having a wide vocabulary. [...]

Getting GCSE Exam Ready

2020-01-10T13:06:45+00:00January 10th, 2020|

Only in the first school week of 2020 and the finishing line is very much in sight for all our Year 11s! With that in mind we invited in coaching specialists Elevate Education to deliver their ‘How to ace your exams’ workshop. Elevate Education are an international company working with 100s [...]

The Harrow Way Eagle Newsletter – Winter 2019

2019-12-19T12:46:57+00:00December 19th, 2019|

Our latest Newsletter, including the 'Head's Corner' and a summary of all the news and events that's happened at Harrow Way over the last term, can be viewed here. Spring Term begins for all students on Monday 6th January 2020, 8.45am.

Catering Students Rise to the Further Education Challenge

2019-12-11T16:40:26+00:00December 11th, 2019|

Harrow Way Catering students were put through their culinary paces following a masterclass from BCoT (Basingstoke College of Technology) Chef Lecturer Justin Mundy. While delivering an advanced baking lesson the further education specialist gave an insight into life as a college student, the opportunities for study at BCoT and the realities [...]

Year 7 Students Explore Life on the Historic High Seas

2019-12-05T14:24:33+00:00December 5th, 2019|

Harrow Way Year 7 students were transported back to the 18th century during a recent trip to Portsmouth’s Historic Dockyard. The visit, as part of a cross-curricular exercise across the school, gave students an insight into the harsh reality of life on the high seas as they explored HMS Victory, famous [...]

Year 7 Girls Football Tournament

2019-11-21T09:50:49+00:00November 21st, 2019|

Year 7 girls played together for the first time on Wednesday in an indoor 5-a-side football tournament held at Rookwood. Phoebe played two great games in goal during the round robin stages. The team held Test Valley to a 0-0 draw, however two early goals by Testbourne in the second match meant that the girls [...]

KS4 Presentation Evening 2019

2019-11-15T14:49:00+00:00November 15th, 2019|

We said our final farewell to the Class of 2019 on the evening of Thursday 14th November at the Annual Key Stage 4 Presentation Evening. Harrow Way welcomed back students to collect their exam certificates, as well as to celebrate successes by awarding individual subject awards and presentation of annual trophy awards. Some of the [...]

Harrow Way Students Ready for the Design Ventura Challenge

2019-11-12T14:57:15+00:00November 12th, 2019|

A trip to the Design Museum has given Harrow Way Year 9 students a head start in the Design Ventura competition. Working with industry experts the Design and Technology students explored a number of ideas during a workshop aimed at developing their creative thinking and problem-solving skills. The sessions act as [...]

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