Headteacher’s Blog – Week 9 – Children in Need

2015-11-16T10:43:30+00:00November 16th, 2015|

Year 7 reflected upon Armistice Day and reflected on those who sacrificed their lives for us so we can enjoy life and the world around us. This was supported by this video. Other year groups looked at Children in Need. How the charity has helped children all over the UK for many years and what [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 8 – Remembrance

2015-11-10T11:38:00+00:00November 4th, 2015|

This weeks assembly was on the theme of remembrance. We reflected on ways in which students can assess the impact of the war on history and also explore how remembrance has become part of national life in the UK and other countries. Students were encouraged to consider how remembrance has evolved to include World War [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 7 – Celebration

2015-11-04T11:27:10+00:00October 23rd, 2015|

This weeks assemblies have been based on celebrating achievements so far this term. Prizes have been given out for 100% attendance, 0 behaviour points and subject learner of the week awards and in Year 11 Subject Ambassadors (pictured). A big prize was given out for the prize draw winner of the weekly 100% attendance tokens, [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Black History Month

2015-10-19T12:16:39+01:00October 19th, 2015|

As a UNICEF Rights Respecting school, it is imperative that we recognise and celebrate Black History Month. Through our work as an RR school, our peer educators regularly inform fellow students about equality and explain how everyone deserves the same rights as each other. During Tutor Time this week students have [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 6 – House Assemblies

2015-10-23T10:13:36+01:00October 19th, 2015|

This week was the first house assemblies of the term, where the heads of house informed students of the various house competitions taking place this year. Starting with house football competitions in the coming week. The Kestrel assembly can be viewed here. A video recap of the Kestrel House, including successes from last year and [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 5 – Democracy

2015-10-13T09:01:47+01:00October 13th, 2015|

This week we have been considering our role as active citizens, year 7 found out about the Harrow Way Guarantee which will give them opportunities to get further involved in the life of the school and beyond. Other years were looking at forms of government from Anarchy to Democracy and what it would be like [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 4 – Rewards

2015-10-05T10:11:50+01:00October 5th, 2015|

This week assemblies were run by tutor teams. The Year 7 assembly linked to the RRS right of the week: Article 19: Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect, and mistreatment by their parents or anyone else who looks [...]

Headteacher Blog – Week 3 – Introduction and Update to RR

2015-09-25T09:22:15+01:00September 25th, 2015|

This week assemblies were led by some our Year 10 Unicef peer educators. They introduced and recapped on what we are doing as a Rights Respecting School and what projects have taken place at our partner school in Ghana, Fayef International School. Some plans have already been put in place for this year, including Christmas [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – September 2015

2015-09-11T14:05:25+01:00September 11th, 2015|

Welcome back – New Beginnings In this weeks assembly I discussed the values we want all our students to develop and impeccable behaviour at HWCS The assembly slides can be viewed here. ​We have very high expectations of our students and a belief that every student is capable of meeting them. [...]

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