Ski Blog – Thursday

2014-02-06T21:18:30+00:00February 6th, 2014|

Today's blog is still to come, but we thought that we'd get the photos up of the day's skiing. It's the top group that we focused on today. They completed a slalom course this afternoon and were great. No crashes!!! All the skiers are exercising their disco legs at the moment .. there's murder [...]

Cook causes chaos!

2014-02-05T23:09:44+00:00February 5th, 2014|

This morning we woke to falling snow, which although is very pretty and great for conditions, is also very challenging when you can’t see where you’re going.  Hence, there were lots of stories at the end of the day; grossly exaggerated of course, of people bashing into each other or [...]

Boyne by name, boing by nature

2014-02-05T23:10:20+00:00February 4th, 2014|

We had a lovely surprise today when the weather forecast given did not materialise.  Having had the big dump of snow a couple of days ago, the sky stayed clear all day and gave us the bonus of perfect conditions once again. All groups have skied exceptionally well, racing around [...]

Cooperman pretends he’s Superman!

2014-02-03T23:34:30+00:00February 3rd, 2014|

Today was as near a perfect ski day as it could possibly be; sunny skies and tons of deep snow and a few crashes to boot! Cooperman mistook himself for Superman and managed to do a complete backflip, but luckily came out unscathed.  Everyone’s having a great time made possible by the impressive ski instructors [...]

Gorillas in the Mist

2014-02-03T10:30:10+00:00February 2nd, 2014|

‘First timers are to be deeply envied. No skier will ever again have as much fun falling over and laughing uncontrollably at everything.’ Today we woke to 15 to 20 cm of fresh snow. This would have been fantastic if we could have seen it. Unfortunately, the mist came down and [...]

‘Alps’ski’lutely Fabulous!

2014-02-02T08:38:57+00:00February 1st, 2014|

We’re here! After an early start and slightly delayed journey, Southampton Airport, Flybe and Chambery Airport did us proud. Not sure about the coach company though; the driver couldn’t even find the entrance to Southampton Airport! Upon our arrival at Chambery, Mr Hudson bumped into an ex-Harrow Way student on her [...]

Paris Trip 2013

2013-12-19T14:45:27+00:00December 19th, 2013|

One week ago, December 2013, 66 of us headed for Paris for an amazing weekend. Here are the photos of the trip. Enjoy!

Year 8 Trip to London

2013-12-16T10:58:09+00:00December 16th, 2013|

On Tuesday 10th December, 11 students from Year 8 travelled to the National Portrait Gallery, London. Accompanied by Mrs Askey and Mrs Lush, the group travelled up to view the special exhibition of Tudor art, as they have been studying this period in History. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the capital, especially using public [...]

Ski Trip 2014 Parents Information

2014-01-20T12:52:51+00:00October 15th, 2013|

Final Parents' Evening - Thursday 23rd January at 7.00 pm in the Auditorium. This is an important meeting at which we feel both the student and at least one parent must attend.  It is the opportunity to: Give out last minute information and answer any questions  Inform you of the travel arrangements  Provide [...]

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