Calshot 2014: Thurs – Fri

2014-06-22T12:01:34+01:00June 21st, 2014|

Another very successful Calshot trip has now concluded. 60 year 8s (the biggest Calshot trip ever!) spent the week at Calshot Activities Centre taking part in a full-on programme of adventure activities. Thursday and Friday had all 8 groups finishing their own rotations of activities - with everyone getting, amongst other activities, their 2nd session [...]

Calshot 2014: Mon – Wed

2014-06-19T09:44:54+01:00June 18th, 2014|

Year 8 are once again down at Calshot Activities Centre in force, with a third of the year group in attendance. The students have been taking part in a varied schedule of adventure activities - including rock climbing, wind surfing, snow-boarding, track cycling on the indoor velodrome, kayaking, sailing and problem solving activities - with [...]

Year 8 visit Kew Gardens

2014-06-10T09:48:30+01:00June 10th, 2014|

On Monday year 8 Geographers visited Kew Gardens in London to investigate Tropical Rainforests. Pupils competed in a scavenger hunt in the Palm Greenhouse where they explored what the climate feels like, as well as searching for cool plants that are used as ingredients in everyday items, such as toothpaste. Pupils walked along the Xstrata [...]

IBM’s Blue Fusion inspires Harrow Way’s Computer Science students

2014-03-31T09:32:42+01:00March 31st, 2014|

Coinciding with National Science and Engineering week, six Computer Science students from Harrow Way Community School recently attended IBM’s annual Blue Fusion event. Competing against 11 other schools at Europe’s largest software development facility, IBM Hursley, the Harrow Way students faced as an assortment of technological conundrums which tested their logic [...]

Osmington Bay – Thursday

2014-03-31T14:58:46+01:00March 27th, 2014|

The Year 9 Geographers have been looking at beach processes such as beach profiling and longshore drift, whilst on their residential trip at Osmington Bay. Today they have been studying the geology of the coastline and fossil hunting. This evening students are creating a computer animation of their fossilised animal. They have also been taking [...]

Year 9 at Osmington Bay – Tuesday

2014-03-25T19:28:14+00:00March 25th, 2014|

50 Year 9 students are on a Geography residential trip this week at Osmington Bay. They have been getting up to some adventurous activities at the start of the week, but tomorrow they will start look at more geography based activities such as Beach Processes and Geology, Rock and Fossils. Year 9 student, Holly Healy [...]

Team Bath Netball Trip

2014-03-21T10:53:49+00:00March 20th, 2014|

Students from Harrow Way were treated to a top-flight netball match at the University of Bath this week to see locals Team Bath take on Surrey Storm. With both teams in the top three of the national league, it was always going to be a close match but Surrey Storm led from the front and [...]

Geography Trip to Natural History Museum

2014-03-10T11:54:44+00:00March 10th, 2014|

On Tuesday 4th March 2014, 30 Gifted and Talented Geography students visited the Natural History Museum in London. The morning was spent looking at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. After lunch students looked at the rest of the museum but mainly focussed on the Earthquakes and Volcanos Gallery. Students could travel to the [...]

New York Trip 2014

2014-03-05T13:20:17+00:00March 3rd, 2014|

Before Half Term nineteen Year 10 and 11 students visited a very snowy New York. They saw the world’s most visited tourist attraction – Times Square which was virtually empty due to the weather conditions preventing any international and domestic flights. The adverse weather conditions also made the trip to Central [...]

Ski Trip – Friday

2014-02-08T09:00:08+00:00February 7th, 2014|

Well, we've certainly had all sorts of weather this week; mostly superb, but today we have experienced what it is like to ski in a foot of fresh snow. Not easy! Visibility was shocking and everyone had to put on their 'stiff upper lip' and get on with it. The groups went out to take [...]

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