Taste of London – June 2010

2010-06-23T09:21:18+01:00June 22nd, 2010|

Last week some very lucky Harrow Way students were taken to the festival where they were given the opportunity to get stuck in to some veritable feasts and do a bit of celebrity spotting. A brilliant day was had by all as you can see. Click on the thumbnail to view the photo album. [...]

Calshot Trip: Thursday & Friday

2010-06-20T16:12:49+01:00June 20th, 2010|

The Calshot 2010 Photo Gallery has been updated with additional photos taken on other cameras – check out the full selection of photos from the week. This is the final update from the Calshot trip – apologies it’s a couple of days late, but I needed to catch up on my [...]

Calshot Trip: Wednesday

2010-06-18T11:03:53+01:00June 16th, 2010|

We’ve been lucky enough to have had another day of fabulous weather down here at Calshot. Everyone slept more soundly last night than on Monday (thank goodness!), exhausted after the day’s activities. This morning the students have been either (depending on groupings) out on a long Off Road Mountain Bike ride, Climbing, [...]

Calshot Trip: Monday & Tuesday

2010-06-18T11:04:30+01:00June 15th, 2010|

Well, we all arrived safely at Calshot yesterday morning. After introductions and meeting the instructors, we started with the most important event of the day – lunch! After that we were straight into the first activity of the day which, depending on which group you were in, was either a long [...]

Year 9 Attend Army Boot Camp

2009-07-14T19:37:05+01:00July 14th, 2009|

A group of 14 Year 9 Students have successfully completed a week of 'Boot Camp' with the army at Worthy Down. The group attended every day from the 6th - 10th of July as well as an overnight stay on the Wednesday. They were put through their paces on obstacle courses designed to test [...]

Calshot 2010

2009-07-07T09:29:46+01:00July 7th, 2009|

Please use the following link to view the letter home inviting all Year 7s, i.e. next year's Year 8 students, to take part in the most succesful Calshot residential activities trip.  The cost of the trip is £340 and will be running from monday 7th to Friday 11th June 2010. Calshot letter 2010 [...]

Calshot 2009

2009-06-16T11:56:16+01:00June 16th, 2009|

30 year 8 students arrived at Calshot Activity Centre for a week's residential trip. They reached Calshot around 10.30 and after making their beds and having lunch, got stuck into activities. All students got the chance to take part in all the following activites: Kayaking, Wind Surfing, Mountain Biking, Climbing, Abseiling, Skiing, Archery, Cycling on [...]

Tile Barn – To Wales We Go!

2009-05-01T10:00:04+01:00May 1st, 2009|

This challenge involved mines, mountains and cave trolls… The three day adventure began with a drive to Big Pit in Wales. This was one of the coal mines in Wales, and we learnt a lot about mining there thanks to a brilliant guide called Pete. Who knew they kept horses down [...]

Kayaking Crazy!

2009-04-01T10:29:41+01:00April 1st, 2009|

The day started with the quest of figuring out what all the equipment actually was. Several bemused expressions later and we all figured out the bits of plastic with giant holes in were to keep our kayaks from sinking (which didn’t work – find out more later…). After various fights with [...]

IBM Blue Fusion 2009

2009-03-10T22:03:42+00:00March 10th, 2009|

As part of National Science Week, 6 students from year 10 attended the "Blue Fusion" event organised by IBM UK and hosted at their site in Hursley (near Winchester). Students took part in a range of science and technology related activities, from acting as a "human computer" to fine-tuning the behaviour of a colony [...]

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