Dry Ski Slope for Beginners – 28th November 2012

2013-02-25T15:06:34+00:00November 26th, 2012|

There will be 18 students with 3 members of staff, and the teacher leading the visit will be Miss Escritt. To cover costs a charge of £34.00 will have to be made, for the 4 hours’ tuition including transport. Please make cheques payable to ‘Harrow Way School’ and take your payment to Mrs Cook (Uniform [...]

Year 8 – Harry Potter Experience

2012-10-15T11:28:50+01:00October 15th, 2012|

A group of Year 8 students headed to Leavesden Studios to visit the 'Harry Potter Experience' and explore how the famous film series was made. Staff and students had a great time looking behind the scenes and experiencing the various 'wow factor' moments on the way round. We even saw a big scene for a [...]

Ski Trip Parents Information Evening – Thursday 4th October, 7.00pm

2012-10-17T09:47:03+01:00September 24th, 2012|

All students going on the 2013 Ski Trip were expected to attend the meeting with one of their parents. Parents should have brought: Their child's passport and EHIC for checking Information request form (salmon coloured paper) Educational Visit Information and Consent form (blue coloured paper) Please click on this link to view to booklet that was distributed on [...]

Please use the links below for WEBCAMs and WEATHER REPORTS

2012-09-28T09:57:43+01:00September 23rd, 2012|

Les Menuires Live Webcams  'Panoramic Livecam' and 'Panoramic Video Cam' Snow Eye This site links to the webcams in the resort. WEATHER Snow.forecast.com   6 day snow forecast j2ski.com   7 day forecast Les Menuires Snow Forecast | Snow Report | by E-mail

Explore Outdoor – Fun in the Sun!

2012-07-18T09:32:52+01:00July 18th, 2012|

Mrs Lush, Mrs Ripley, Miss Sturges and sixteen Year 7 students headed off to Charlton for their Explore Outdoor day. Having got extremely lucky with the weather (no rain, only sunshine!), they worked with James and Fran to experience a thoroughly enjoyable, (although extremely exhausting!) day. Team games, climbing, archery and bushcraft provided a fun [...]

Year 8 Calshot Trip 2012

2012-06-19T14:32:33+01:00June 19th, 2012|

36 year 8 students are at Calshot Activity Centre this week, trying new and exciting activities. We arrived around 11 o'clock on Monday and had a tour of the site and met our instructors for the week. After we making their beds and having lunch, the students were straight into activities. Lots of them were [...]

Aegon Tennis Trip Serves up Good Weather

2012-06-27T15:51:53+01:00June 15th, 2012|

On Tuesday 12th June, 14 Year 9 students attended the AEGON Tennis Championships at The Queens Club in London. Following a complete wash-out of the event due to the rain the day before, we were pleased to see that the forecast was due to be dry all day. Despite this, the students had to wait patiently [...]

Calshot 2011: Thursday & Friday

2011-06-21T11:21:42+01:00June 19th, 2011|

Photos from the final two days of the Yr 8 Calshot residential trip are now online. Photos for all the other days have also been updated, with some additional pictures from some other cameras we had with us now online as well - so do check back over the whole gallery. The whole trip was [...]

Calshot: Tuesday and Wednesday

2011-06-15T20:44:49+01:00June 15th, 2011|

Well we've had a very busy 2 days down here on the coast! Activities on Tuesday were ongoing, with the different groups taking part in rock climbing, archery, track cycling on the velodrome, snowboarding, mountain biking and some groups were out on the water trying windsurfing. In the evening we did a scavenger hunt on [...]

Calshot Trip 2011

2011-06-14T11:36:01+01:00June 14th, 2011|

39 Year 8 students are visiting Calshot Activities Centre this week. The students arrived and their first job was to make their own beds. After a tour of the site with their instructors and big lunch they got stuck into their afternoon activities. Already we have been mountain biking, climbing, track cycling, archery and been [...]

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