Year 7 – New Forest Trip

2013-11-28T10:33:56+00:00July 22nd, 2013|

Last week year 7 Geographers visited the New Forest to practice the many skills they have learnt over this past year. 50 pupils went on Thursday and 50 on Friday. Pupils enjoyed participating in a river study where they measured the speed of flow as well as creating a river cross section, by measuring the [...]

7X4 Explore Outdoor

2013-07-16T09:58:20+01:00July 16th, 2013|

7X4 enjoyed a day of 'Outdoor Explore' at Charlton Lakes, on July 10th, building self-confidence and self-esteem, both of which were excellently achieved! Some students expressed their fear of canoeing and open water, a number were non-swimmers, but by the afternoon, having listened intently to all instructions, the group was expertly paddling across the lake [...]

Geography Trip to Lulworth

2013-07-12T14:39:22+01:00July 12th, 2013|

Yesterday (Thursday 11th July) year 10 Geographers visited the Dorset coastline as a part of their GCSE course. We had a great time at Lulworth Cove with all pupils (and teachers!) making the trek across the hill and down to Durdle Door. Pupils learnt about the different features along the coastline and saw the magnificant [...]

Poland Trip 2013 – Friday

2013-07-08T14:33:27+01:00July 5th, 2013|

Today students spent the day at Auschwitz concentration camp, where they had a full guided tour. The day was quite emotional and thought provoking for the students and staff but they behaved fantastically and were a credit to the school. Currently there is a big storm, but everyone is looking forward to an evening meal [...]

Poland Trip 2013 – Thursday

2013-07-04T12:11:04+01:00July 4th, 2013|

Today (Thursday 4th July) 24 History students departed for Krakow in Poland. They have all arrived safely after a great flight and early departure. The weather is hot and sunny, as they head off to a water park this afternoon.

Calshot Trip 2013 – Tuesday and Wednesday

2013-06-19T20:02:57+01:00June 19th, 2013|

Tuesday and Wednesday have seen lots more activities and the groups have also got onto the water. Water sports include Windsurfing, Kayaking and Sailing. All of the students have said how much they are enjoying trying new sports, but are very tired by the evening. Tuesday night activity was led by the school staff, we [...]

Calshot Trip – Monday

2013-06-18T14:33:33+01:00June 18th, 2013|

On Monday 45 excited year 8 students boarded the coach heading to Calshot Activity Centre for the week. After a quick tour around the centre and a big lunch the students got stuck into activities. A couple of groups had to use their brains on the initiative course, while others had ago a climbing a [...]

Bath University Trip

2013-06-13T10:07:49+01:00June 13th, 2013|

On Tuesday 4th June, 15 students from Harrow Way went on a GCSE P.E trip to Bath University.  Some students had the opportunity to try out specialist fitness testing equipment used on some of the top athletes in the country. When we arrived at the University we met a sport physiologist [...]

Year 8 Hawk Conservancy Trip

2013-05-03T16:20:27+01:00May 3rd, 2013|

48 Year 8 students had a great day at the Hawk Conservancy on Wednesday 1st May. The aim of the trip was for students to develop their understanding of predation and to think about the adaptations that some of the birds have to help them in their fight to survive. The students particularly enjoyed holding [...]

Netball Team’s Trip to Bath

2013-03-07T11:19:26+00:00March 6th, 2013|

    Last Friday, 15 students went to Bath to watch Super League Netball at the University of Bath. It was a very excited group that left Harrow Way in the minibus with Mrs Tunney and Miss Escritt as they all knew that they were in for a feast of great netball [...]

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