Student Leadership for 2016/17 Announced

2016-04-22T15:17:04+01:00April 22nd, 2016|

After a demanding application process, forming of a portfolio of achievement, a letter of application and an interview panel, we are please to announce our new Student Leadership Team of 2016/2017. The Year 10 students will be taking over from the outgoing Year 11 students from next week. Congratulations to our successful candidates: Deputy Head [...]

Harrow Way to hold our own EU Referendum

2016-04-19T09:52:39+01:00April 19th, 2016|

At Harrow Way, we take political literacy very seriously. On Wednesday 22nd June, we will hold our own Harrow Way EU referendum – so we’ll be giving the pollsters a head start, with at least one set of results ahead of the big day. Read more in an article written by Assistant Headteacher, Caroline Lowing, [...]

Harrow Way Presents: Grease – The Musical

2016-03-23T12:15:07+00:00March 23rd, 2016|

At Harrow Way Community School, Grease is the word! Since the nerve shredding auditions in September, students from all year groups have been ‘hopelessly devoted’ to rehearsing for their production of Grease: The Musical and last week they performed to sell out audiences over the three night run. Following successful preview [...]

House Photography Competition

2016-03-18T10:40:17+00:00March 18th, 2016|

The results are in for the photography competition. Congratulations to Jada Jones of Hawk House for her 3rd place entry. Buzzards took 2nd and 3rd prize with stunning entries from James Swadling and Kirstie Denyer. The staff competition came out with Buzzards in 3rd and 2nd place going to Miss Pittman and Miss Beynon-Thomas. Congratulations [...]

Coca-Cola Enterprise Challenge Final

2016-03-16T12:24:57+00:00March 16th, 2016|

After winning at the Regional Finals in Brighton, Harrow Way Year 10 students are in London competing in the Final of the Coca-Cola Enterprise - The Real Business Challenge. Mrs Gregson, Curriculum Leader for Business Studies, wrote a brief account of the first day: The students started at the House of Commons, were they spent [...]

Icknield Students Bake at Harrow Way

2016-03-10T13:25:58+00:00March 10th, 2016|

Students from Icknield School, a special school based in Andover, have been baking this week with our Year 7 students. The two schools partnered up and baked cookies, which were then decorated and sold at break time to all staff and students in the Auditorium.

Love, Shakespeare

2016-03-02T12:00:54+00:00March 2nd, 2016|

Since 1995, the Shakespeare Project has set the same challenge to our Year 11 students: can you take a full Shakespearean production from page to stage in just two weeks? During the February half-term week, Year 11 Drama students, with the support of professional actor, Louise Kempton (Warhorse, Dorian Grey & Doctors), rose to that [...]

Love, Shakespeare – Drama Performance

2016-02-25T10:35:08+00:00February 25th, 2016|

Year 11 drama students have given up their half-term break to work with professional actor Louise Kempton (Warhorse, Casualty, The Bill) on a production of 'Love, Shakespeare'. The play is a compilation of Shakespeare's most powerful writing on the subject of love, in all its guises: romantic, witty, dark & violent. In just two weeks [...]

Naples – Day Two – Capri

2016-02-22T11:02:49+00:00February 19th, 2016|

After a well deserved rest, we were more then prepared for another day of adventure so we headed for Capri. We met our guide for the day, Laura, outside the ferry port. It wasn't soon after boarding the ferry a couple of us turned green and the disastrous symptoms of sea sickness occurred, while others [...]

Naples Day 1 – Pompei

2016-02-19T22:42:56+00:00February 19th, 2016|

After our memorable hike up mount Vesuvius we began to venture down to the busy city below the summit, the ash stricken town of Pompei, filled with curious tourists we were soon to join. The more we learned about the city the more we felt like we were the locals many years ago, completely shocked [...]

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