Live from Calshot Year 8 Residential

2007-06-30T11:16:33+01:00June 20th, 2007|

Photos are now available from the year 8 trip to Calshot Activities Centre. Year 8 & 9 students got the chance to take part in activties such as sailing, windsurfing, rock climbing, mountain biking, abseiling, kayaking and skiing. The week was enjoyed by all and I think everyone had a chance at trying something [...]

Student Raises £62 for the Rainbow Trust

2007-06-20T16:18:17+01:00June 20th, 2007|

A year 7 student who took part in the Ride the Rainbow Challenge has managed to raise a whopping £62 pounds. Well done to him. We are fast approaching the £1000 mark, so if you have any sponsor money to hand in please hurry. If you would like to donate money anyway see Jon Land, [...]

Harrow Way School Reunion

2007-05-21T13:25:03+01:00May 21st, 2007|

Did you start Harrow Way School in 1967?  A 40th Reunion is being organised for pupils and teachers who started Harrow Way in September 1967. The provisional date of Saturday 8th September 2007 is earmarked and the event will take place in Harrow Way's school hall. Please watch this space for further details. If you would [...]

Ride the Rainbow – Virtual Record Attempt – Aftermath

2007-05-21T11:53:21+01:00May 21st, 2007|

It's Monday morning. The record attempt was a success. We covered a total of 945 miles in 44 hours. That is 95 miles more than Gethin Butler, the world record holder. Of course he did it for real on his own, so if you bear that in mind you realise what an awesome achievement [...]

Year 7 “Aiming Higher” Group Visit to Wales

2007-05-23T19:58:27+01:00May 3rd, 2007|

The Year 7 Aim Higher group have returned to school after spending 3 days in the Brecon Beacons. After a days driving students ventured down "Big Pit", 90ft down into a real coal mine. Students experienced what working life was like for children and adults in the mining industry. This was followed by an evening [...]

‘Eyes Down’ in the Auditorium with the HWCSA Bingo Evening

2007-04-30T13:40:07+01:00April 30th, 2007|

The first event took place on Friday 27th April organised by the newly reformed Harrow Way Community School Association (HWCSA). The family bingo evening was well attended and an enjoyable time had by all. The bingo caller for the evening was Harrow Way Headteacher, Mr Currie, who made the evening run smoothly with [...]

IBM Blue Fusion 2007

2007-03-20T14:08:07+00:00March 20th, 2007|

On Tuesday 13th March 6 students from year 10 took part in the annual "Blue Fusion" schools event at IBM Hursley Park near Winchester. The students took part in a range of activities including running a nuclear power station, giving a weather forecast and designing a formula 1 car to race against other schools. To [...]

Year 9 Science Trip to Action Stations

2007-03-29T11:39:29+01:00March 19th, 2007|

On Thursday 15th March thirty year 9 students went to the Naval Dockyard at Portsmouth to attend a Key Stage 3 Revision day on Forces and Motion at Action Stations. The day started with a demonstration which featured a home-made hover chair and moved on to a lesson involving Newton’ s [...]

Year 8 “Aiming High” visit to Tile Barn

2007-05-23T19:59:27+01:00March 14th, 2007|

As part of the “Aim Higher” project, and hot on the heels of the year 7 group who visited last week, 10 year 8 students and 3 members of staff return from a 2 day survival course in the New Forest at the Tile Barn centre. […]

Paris Trip – October 2006

2007-02-16T16:51:09+00:00February 16th, 2007|

In October this year, 35 students accompanied by Mrs Vanderplank, Mrs Coe, Mr Warren and Mme Coin enjoyed a 5 day trip to Paris. […]

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