IBM Blue Fusion 2009

2009-03-10T22:03:42+00:00March 10th, 2009|

As part of National Science Week, 6 students from year 10 attended the "Blue Fusion" event organised by IBM UK and hosted at their site in Hursley (near Winchester). Students took part in a range of science and technology related activities, from acting as a "human computer" to fine-tuning the behaviour of a colony [...]

TB1 – The Adventure Continues!

2009-03-11T17:34:52+00:00March 5th, 2009|

Early Wednesday morning the intrepid adventurers of Tile Barn 1 set off on a two day survival epic. The first challenge was an 11 kilometre hike across the wilderness of the New Forest. Here’s the catch – the adventurers had to navigate themselves back to Tile Barn! […]

Team TB1 (Tilebarn 1) Adventure

2009-02-11T12:55:33+00:00February 11th, 2009|

The brave adventurers of TB1 fought through snow and flooding to arrive in the New Forest! Once at Tile Barn we had to check all our lunches were of the healthy persuasion. TB1 had an impressive collection of healthy food, and boy did we need the energy for the day [...]

Rotary Club of Andover Youth Speaks 2009

2009-01-27T14:10:31+00:00January 27th, 2009|

The Rotary Club of Andover presented their annual Youth Speaks competition in the Harrow Way Auditorium on Monday 26th January. Five teams were entered into the intermediate section and three in the senior section. Well done to Daniel Falcone, who won best speaker in the intermediate category. […]

RRSA Launch to become a Rights Respecting School

2009-11-02T14:37:01+00:00January 26th, 2009|

Students at Harrow Way Community School were given the opportunity to explore what UNICEF and the Rights and Responsibilities of children really meant during an exciting day of workshops and visiting speakers, arranged by Hilary Delany, Head of Religious Education and Citizenship at the school. A moving account of the [...]

Spelling Bee – Friday 16th January 2009

2009-01-21T14:47:27+00:00January 20th, 2009|

The Spelling Bee was a jointly organised event by Mrs Caulfield, Library resource Manager, and Miss Thompson, English teacher. The aim of the event was to promote the necessity of good spellings; that learning your spellings is not a chore, but something that can be enjoyable. It was very enjoyable and [...]

Army Boot Camp – 8th > 13th December 2008

2008-12-16T11:31:52+00:00December 16th, 2008|

As part of our on-going commitment to personalise learning for our students, six Year 11 boys participated in a five day Army Boot Camp at Kings Worthy barracks. The event was organised by First Partnership (a local Education Business Partnership) and was open to all schools in the Andover Consortium. [...]

Shakespeare Link Project Gets Under Way

2008-11-03T10:39:14+00:00October 29th, 2008|

The annual Shakespeare Link project (now in its fifteenth year) got under way during half term week with rehearsals of 'Pericles' involving the Yr11 BTEC Drama group. The project continues next week with work involving year 9 studying 'The Tempest'. The conclusion of the project comes on November 7th with a public performance of 'Pericles' [...]

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