Year 9 Attend Army Boot Camp

2009-07-14T19:37:05+01:00July 14th, 2009|

A group of 14 Year 9 Students have successfully completed a week of 'Boot Camp' with the army at Worthy Down. The group attended every day from the 6th - 10th of July as well as an overnight stay on the Wednesday. They were put through their paces on obstacle courses designed to test [...]

A taste of the world of work, as NatWest helps Year 9 students from Harrow Way to come “Face 2 Face with Finance”

2009-07-10T16:35:01+01:00July 10th, 2009|

On July 8th it was once more time for a combination of menus, calculators, computers and vivid imaginations, as Year 9 students took on the challenge of their first Enterprise Day, fulfilling the roles of catering companies tendering for contracts to run a school prom. Arranged in collaboration with Tracy Marlow [...]

Iron Man Challenge – 2nd July 2009

2009-07-07T14:43:02+01:00July 7th, 2009|

The annual fitness challenge the Iron Man, took place on the 2nd of July. Students, Staff and Parents all took part to raise money for the school and the charity Testway Transform. Please click on the thumbnail to view the album of photographs.

Calshot 2010

2009-07-07T09:29:46+01:00July 7th, 2009|

Please use the following link to view the letter home inviting all Year 7s, i.e. next year's Year 8 students, to take part in the most succesful Calshot residential activities trip.  The cost of the trip is £340 and will be running from monday 7th to Friday 11th June 2010. Calshot letter 2010 [...]

Enterprise comes to Harrow Way

2009-07-09T14:43:56+01:00July 3rd, 2009|

Year 10 students have once again been participating in enterprise activities this week, with two major all-day events. On Wednesday 1st July the students worked in groups, each experiencing six different activities designed to link closely with the school’s specialism in Mathematics and Computing and the GCSE curriculum. The activities included [...]

Year 11 Leavers’ Dinner Dance – 26th June 2009

2009-06-30T10:45:55+01:00June 29th, 2009|

Updated: Additional photos of the Year 11 Leavers' Prom have now been added to the Photo Gallery. The evening was a great success - so thankyou to all of Year 11 for making it what it was. Please use this link to view the photographs of the Leavers' Prom, held in the Harrow Way [...]

Calshot 2009

2009-06-16T11:56:16+01:00June 16th, 2009|

30 year 8 students arrived at Calshot Activity Centre for a week's residential trip. They reached Calshot around 10.30 and after making their beds and having lunch, got stuck into activities. All students got the chance to take part in all the following activites: Kayaking, Wind Surfing, Mountain Biking, Climbing, Abseiling, Skiing, Archery, Cycling on [...]

And they’re off – Lands End to John O’Groats 2009!

2009-06-01T10:22:56+01:00May 22nd, 2009|

Two members of Harrow Way staff are at it again, only this time they aim to achieve this epic cycling challenge in 7 days! Mr J Mann and Jon Land set off this morning with four other riders to conquer the 900 mile event. Please check our website for updates. [...]

Tile Barn – To Wales We Go!

2009-05-01T10:00:04+01:00May 1st, 2009|

This challenge involved mines, mountains and cave trolls… The three day adventure began with a drive to Big Pit in Wales. This was one of the coal mines in Wales, and we learnt a lot about mining there thanks to a brilliant guide called Pete. Who knew they kept horses down [...]

Kayaking Crazy!

2009-04-01T10:29:41+01:00April 1st, 2009|

The day started with the quest of figuring out what all the equipment actually was. Several bemused expressions later and we all figured out the bits of plastic with giant holes in were to keep our kayaks from sinking (which didn’t work – find out more later…). After various fights with [...]

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