Children In Need

2010-11-24T14:52:53+00:00November 19th, 2010|

Year 10 students had the option to dress up as characters from the movies, in order to raise money for Children in Need. Other year groups have been selling cakes at break time and lunch time, and some student are attempting a sponsored silence for the day. Click here to view some pictures. [...]

Myths & Misconceptions

2010-11-10T11:31:49+00:00November 10th, 2010|

Wednesday 1st December - 7.30pm The Lights - Doors open from 6.30pm Do you really know what young people in your community think and feel about issues affecting their lives today? Please click on this link to read the flier. This show is presented as part of World Aids Day so entrance will be free [...]

Careers Fair 2010

2010-10-06T12:23:59+01:00October 6th, 2010|

On Wednesday 6th October 2010 it was once more time for all Year 11 students to focus their thoughts on their future education and career choices when they had an opportunity to participate in Harrow Way School’s Annual Careers Fair. Having prepared themselves through their work in careers classes they had [...]

National Parenting Week 18th – 22nd October

2010-10-05T14:49:09+01:00October 5th, 2010|

versus In support of National Parenting Week 18th – 22nd October on Wednesday 20th October 3.00 – 4.30pm Askalot After-school event for parents and children ‘Traditional V Modern Games’ Have a go at playing various games together Friday 22nd October 10.00 – 12.00pm Askalot, King Arthur’s Way Quiz and refreshments For details contact Petra [...]

Activity Day-Religious Education “Bollywood comes to Harrow Way!”

2010-07-23T12:12:59+01:00July 23rd, 2010|

For the whole school Activity Day the RE department arranged an Indian Dance Workshop through the company Wise Moves. The artist, Mansi, wore traditional dress and performed classical Indian dance as well as Bollywood moves. The students were taken through, and participated in, a number of different exciting dance routines. [...]

Activity Day 2010: GeoCaching

2010-07-23T10:14:11+01:00July 23rd, 2010|

As a reward for being one of the top 20 reward stamp holders in the school over the past academic year, this Activity Day we took 14 Students from all year groups for a day off site in the Hampshire countryside to try GeoCaching. For those unfamiliar with GeoCaching, it's a modern day form of [...]

Activity Day: Shields up!

2010-07-23T09:31:14+01:00July 23rd, 2010|

As part of Activity Day 8CC and 8AB made some excellent shields. Using just cardboard, paint and their imagination they came up with some fantastic designs that are now being displayed in the library. Please use this link to view the photos.

Key Stage Presentation Evening 2010

2010-07-21T11:54:23+01:00July 21st, 2010|

Students from Years 7, 8 and 9 and their parents gathered in the auditorium for the Key Stage 3 Presentation Evening on Monday. Subject awards were given to three students in each year group for effort, achievement and progress. Heads of Year presented awards, as well as Specialism and Sports Partnership awards. There was a [...]

Where will everyone be this summer?

2010-07-15T13:54:14+01:00July 15th, 2010|

They'll be at the Turnaround project! Run in conjunction with Hampshire County Council and the Test Valley Partnership, Turnaround has organised a fantastic programme of activities that will take place over the summer holidays.  There are activities for children of all ages, ranging from: Music & Theatre workshops (week beginning 26th July) 4 days – [...]

Fairtrade Fashion Show and Summer Fun

2010-07-16T15:18:57+01:00July 13th, 2010|

On Friday the 9th July, Harrow Way Community School held a fantastic Fairtrade Fashion Show, which was followed by a Summer Fun evening filled with a variety of goods and a bouncy castle! The Fashion Show was aimed to raise money for Fairtrade and was organised by the school’s Year 10 [...]

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