Enterprise Events for Year 9

2011-07-21T16:01:16+01:00July 21st, 2011|

All Year 9 students participated in two separate Enterprise Days this week. For the first day they took on an engaging challenge which involved all the processes of financial planning, creating suitable menus and entertainment and most of all vivid imaginations, as they took on the various roles in imaginary catering [...]

Harrow Way’s Enterprising Year 10s

2011-07-15T15:59:31+01:00July 15th, 2011|

This week, Year 10 students at Harrow Way Community School have had an opportunity to take part in two exciting enterprise days. The first day was led by Mr Angus Farmer of CocoMango, a specialist hand-made soap manufacturing company. Angus was on his second visit to the school following a hugely [...]

Year 2 Tri Golf Festival 2011

2011-07-07T13:28:05+01:00July 7th, 2011|

In its fourth year, the annual Year 2 Tri Golf Festival proved as popular as ever with seven teams entered; three from Portway Infants, two from Appleshaw and two from Knights Enham Infant School. All three schools had enjoyed Harrow Way Year 7 leading Tri Golf sessions in their own schools [...]

Leadership Academy lead the Year 2/3 Skills4Life Olympics Festival

2011-07-07T12:44:41+01:00July 7th, 2011|

Tuesday 5th July was a very important day at Harrow Way for its Leadership Academy. Having planned and prepared the Year 2/3 Skills4Life Festival for more than a term, the big day for the Friday after school club had arrived! Twelve teams, a total of 72 children, were arriving by 10 [...]

Year 11 Leavers’ Dinner Dance – 1st July 2011

2011-08-24T15:31:46+01:00July 4th, 2011|

Year 11 students said goodbye to the school at their Dinner Dance. They arrived in style and partied in the school auditorium with a live band, ballroom dancing and disco. The evening was a great success – so thankyou to all of Year 11 for making it what it was. Please use this link to [...]

Harrow Way say ‘Goodbye’

2011-06-30T15:25:21+01:00June 29th, 2011|

We said goodbye to our year 11 students on Wednesday 29th June at their leaving assembly. Year 11 students came to have an official goodbye from the Headteacher and other members of staff, followed by a small buffet.

Calshot 2011: Thursday & Friday

2011-06-21T11:21:42+01:00June 19th, 2011|

Photos from the final two days of the Yr 8 Calshot residential trip are now online. Photos for all the other days have also been updated, with some additional pictures from some other cameras we had with us now online as well - so do check back over the whole gallery. The whole trip was [...]

Calshot: Tuesday and Wednesday

2011-06-15T20:44:49+01:00June 15th, 2011|

Well we've had a very busy 2 days down here on the coast! Activities on Tuesday were ongoing, with the different groups taking part in rock climbing, archery, track cycling on the velodrome, snowboarding, mountain biking and some groups were out on the water trying windsurfing. In the evening we did a scavenger hunt on [...]

Opening of New Cycle Route and Family Bike Ride, Hampshire

2011-06-15T15:33:41+01:00June 15th, 2011|

Celebrate the official opening of National Cycle Network Route 246 and join a 4 mile family ride to Charlton Lakes on Saturday 18 June in Andover, Hampshire. To take part in the ride, come along to the official opening of Route 246 at Jamie G Sports Fair at Vigo Recreation Ground at 11am. The ride [...]

Calshot Trip 2011

2011-06-14T11:36:01+01:00June 14th, 2011|

39 Year 8 students are visiting Calshot Activities Centre this week. The students arrived and their first job was to make their own beds. After a tour of the site with their instructors and big lunch they got stuck into their afternoon activities. Already we have been mountain biking, climbing, track cycling, archery and been [...]

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