University of Winchester – Year 10 Taster Day

2015-05-06T11:05:15+01:00April 30th, 2015|

On Tuesday 28th April, seventeen Year 10 students attended University of Winchester for a taster day. The day gave the students an opportunity to try TV Journalism, Media and Marketing, applied Psychology and Liberal Arts and to give students an idea of what university life is like. They then had the [...]

FA Cup Youth Final Trip

2015-04-28T09:41:21+01:00April 28th, 2015|

On Monday 27th April, 14 Year 9 boys as a reward for commitment to the school football team and training, went to Stamford Bridge. Along with their Year Leader, Mr Carter, they watched the FA Youth Cup final between Chelsea FC and Manchester City FC. Chelsea won 2-1 on the night, 5-2 on aggregate. The [...]

Oxford University Trip

2015-04-27T11:20:43+01:00April 27th, 2015|

On Wednesday Miss King and Mr Carter took 15 pupils (12 Year 9 and 3 Year 8) to Oxford University, the trip was organised to Raise pupils aspirations. In Year 9 Mr Carter, Year Leader, has been working with 24 high ability students (All Stars), meeting with them fortnightly, discussing their [...]

Young Art in the Park

2015-04-20T13:31:20+01:00April 20th, 2015|

Students recently visited Hillier Gardens near Romsey and were inspired by nature and the artists on exhibition in ‘Art in the Garden’. Some also visited the Forge in Shrewton where they gained experience in using blacksmith materials and techniques. Some pictures can be viewed here. […]

School Musical – Into The Woods

2015-03-30T11:07:31+01:00March 30th, 2015|

115561 This year’s whole school musical was: Into The Woods, a twist on the classic Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales. Over 100 students were involved in the production in the cast, the orchestra or behind the scenes. The production was performed to the public 25th - 27th March, with previews to feeder primary schools and the [...]

H-Factor – House Singing Competition 2015

2015-03-18T11:28:48+00:00March 18th, 2015|

Thirteen acts competed to win points for their house at the annual house singing competition the H-Factor. All year groups were represented in a very close called competition, held on Tuesday 17th March. The judges had a very difficult and after a lot of deliberation the winners were: 1st - Loren Standfield (Buzzards) 2nd - [...]

Comic Relief – 13th March 2015

2015-03-10T13:26:18+00:00March 10th, 2015|

As I'm sure you are aware, Friday 13th March is COMIC RELIEF. To fund-raise this year we are encouraging students to 'Make their Face Funny for Money!' Students can wear a red nose or paint their face if they contribute £1 to the charity. Please note that they must be in full uniform as usual. [...]

World Book Day at Harrow Way

2015-03-05T16:06:09+00:00March 5th, 2015|

We have been busy celebrating World Book Day, with tutor group quizzes, a grand book cover treasure hunt and the amazing Big Book Bake Off - some of the best entries included Gruffalo cupcakes, a beautiful rose cake, and a The Fault In Our Stars cake, not to mention an eye ball from ​1984. All [...]

‘And Now We Tell our Tale’ Production

2015-03-03T10:59:16+00:00March 2nd, 2015|

Recently our Year 11 BTEC Performing Arts students performed in a Test Valley Arts Foundation project: ‘And Now We Tell our Tale’ They performed along side students from, Winton, Endeavour and the Long Overdue Theatre School at The Lights theatre. The aim of the project is to research the impact on [...]

Final Ski Blog

2015-03-19T11:36:49+00:00February 10th, 2015|

Thursday was a testing day for the students as the cloud crept up the valley and shrouded our resort in thick fog. However, after catching the ski lift up the mountain, the fog was replaced by clear skies and the wonderful feeling and views of skiing above the clouds. Dropping [...]

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