Part human, part animal fantasy figures inspire Harrow Way GCSE Art students

2015-06-25T09:43:43+01:00June 25th, 2015|

Year 10 GCSE Art students from Harrow Way Community School are drawing inspiration from one of the UK’s leading sculptors, Laura Ford following a recent trip to The New Arts Centre at Roche Court. Laura is renowned for her part human, part animal creations which often resemble fantasy figures from children’s [...]

Bath University puts an extra spring in step of Harrow Way’s PE students

2015-06-25T09:40:16+01:00June 25th, 2015|

Following in the footsteps of some of the country’s top athletes Harrow Way Community School GCSE PE students were put through their paces at Bath University recently. 15 Year 10 students visited the £30 million Sports Training Village which is renowned as a world-leading environment for the delivery of sport, sport [...]

Student Leadership Team 2015-2016

2015-06-23T10:34:46+01:00June 23rd, 2015|

Today we were pleased to announce our new student leadership team for the next academic year. Badges for the new Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies where presented by the out going Head Boy, Will Cooper and Head Girl, Katie Guilford. This year, there was such a high standard of applicants, which made it very [...]

Aegon Tennis Championships

2015-06-18T08:50:03+01:00June 18th, 2015|

On Tuesday the 16th June, 15 GCSE PE students were fortunate enough to visit the Queen’s Tennis Club and watch the action from the second day of the AEGON Championships 2015. A day full of world class tennis and sunshine left all the visitors enthralled. With the views from Centre Court [...]

Calshot 2015: Monday – Tuesday

2015-06-17T10:41:45+01:00June 17th, 2015|

This week, 40 Year 8 students are at Calshot activities centre for the week, taking part in an adventure activities week. We're only a day and a half into our trip, but we've already been climbing, track cycling, wind surfing, kayaking, mountain biking and taking part in an initiative course and a crate stack. Not [...]

IBM helps Harrow Way STEM* the female decline in Computing

2015-06-12T11:34:49+01:00June 12th, 2015|

With a national trend which sees girls’ interest in computers decline as they get older, Harrow Way Community School has enlisted the help of IBM to keep Year 8 female students on the ICT track. A recent visit to the company’s base in Hursley, which is Europe’s largest software development facility, [...]

We Say Goodbye to our Year 11 Students

2015-05-22T14:08:29+01:00May 22nd, 2015|

On Monday 22nd May we formally said goodbye to our Year 11 students as this was the last day they will be altogether again before the Summer Holidays. We celebrated by holding a special leaver's assembly which was presented by Year Leader Mr Reed, where all the forms tutors gave a goodbye message. Students received [...]

Jack the Ripper Walk

2015-05-12T11:29:23+01:00May 12th, 2015|

On Thursday 7th May, 49 year 10 students and 5 staff set off on a History trip to London. Despite the very long coach journey and arriving a little later than planned, we arrived safe and sound in Whitechapel, ready to start our Jack the Ripper walking tour. Splitting into two groups, we set off [...]

House Photography Competition

2015-05-08T12:03:55+01:00May 8th, 2015|

Congratulations to the participants of the House photography competition. There were some fantastic entries which made for a difficult decision for our judges: Miss Pittman, Miss Herbert and Mr. Manson. Winners are: 1 Emily Baulf (Kestrels); 2 Megan Donner (Buzzards); 3 Josh Ingram (Buzzards). The staff also got in the mix and first prize went [...]

School Mock Election

2015-05-08T10:12:43+01:00May 8th, 2015|

On 6th May, the school voted in a mock election and the students were really enthusiastic about having their own say. Lots of subjects capitalised on this by having politically themed lessons and tutors have been debating the issues with their tutor groups all week. The school is buzzing with talk about the election and [...]

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