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So far maya has created 1082 blog entries.

Bugsy Malone – Tickets On Sale

2014-04-05T16:11:57+01:00March 18th, 2014|

This year’s whole school musical is the gangster comedy Bugsy Malone, staring 96 students from the school's Performing Arts Department and the School Drama Club. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to support your friends and family at one of the public performances on Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd & Friday [...]

House Assemblies with The Hawk Conservancy Trust

2014-03-18T11:24:55+00:00March 18th, 2014|

This week we have been privileged to have Lou Richie, education officer at the Hawk Conservancy Trust, come in and take our House assemblies. To each house Lou did a presentation on the bird of prey which represents their house name: Kestrels, Buzzards and Hawks. Unfortunately they could not bring any of the house birds [...]

Geography Trip to Natural History Museum

2014-03-10T11:54:44+00:00March 10th, 2014|

On Tuesday 4th March 2014, 30 Gifted and Talented Geography students visited the Natural History Museum in London. The morning was spent looking at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. After lunch students looked at the rest of the museum but mainly focussed on the Earthquakes and Volcanos Gallery. Students could travel to the [...]

New York Trip 2014

2014-03-05T13:20:17+00:00March 3rd, 2014|

Before Half Term nineteen Year 10 and 11 students visited a very snowy New York. They saw the world’s most visited tourist attraction – Times Square which was virtually empty due to the weather conditions preventing any international and domestic flights. The adverse weather conditions also made the trip to Central [...]

Headteacher’s Blog, February 2014

2014-03-03T12:59:56+00:00March 1st, 2014|

It is hard to believe but we are already half way through this academic year! Given the extreme weather and subsequent flooding that much of the county has suffered in the past months, we need to be thankful we have fared so well.Our site team continue to work hard to further [...]

BTEC Dance Show – Peter Pan

2014-02-12T10:29:05+00:00February 12th, 2014|

At the end of January 96 BTEC Dance students performed Peter Pan to sell out audiences. The whole production can now be viewed online here.

Andover Young Musician Competition

2014-02-11T10:19:23+00:00February 11th, 2014|

On Thursday 6th February 2014, seven young musicians from Harrow Way School took part in the Andover Young Musician of the Year competition held at St Mary’s Church in Andover. They performed to a packed audience of students, parents and members of the public as well as the Mayor of Andover. While the top prizes [...]


2014-02-04T10:40:05+00:00February 4th, 2014|

Last Thursday, fourteen selected Year 7 and Year 9 students gave up a day at home to ensure 72 Year 3 and 4 pupils from our local schools had a fabulous time taking part in their Indoor Athletics competition. The leaders had to learn how to skilfully lead and officiate all eight field events, as [...]

BTEC Dance present: Peter Pan

2014-01-31T11:39:12+00:00January 31st, 2014|

This week 96 dancers from Harrow Way year 9, 10 and 11 BTEC Dance classes have performed their dance show Peter Pan, to two sell out audiences in the Auditorium. The show was put together and choreographed by Harrow Way dance teacher Miss Walker. Some picture of the dress/technical rehearsal can be viewed here. A [...]

Headteacher’s Blog, January 2014

2014-01-15T12:10:09+00:00January 14th, 2014|

Happy New Year! Welcome Back for the Spring Term A Happy New Year to all! I trust everyone had a restful break and I am confident that the students have returned with enthusiasm and confidence to make 2014 a personal success for each of them. For Year 11 who have public [...]

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