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So far maya has created 1082 blog entries.

Naples Day 1 – Mount Vesuvius

2016-02-22T10:59:00+00:00February 19th, 2016|

We all woke up on Wednesday 17th February 2016 fully prepared for our impending trek up the infamous Mount Vesuvius. As we were fast approaching the mountain it could be seen clearly as a greyed silhouette beyond the breath taking scenery. As we stopped outside of an oranges and lemons stall; the staple of Sorrento, [...]

Year 7 Rugby and Football Wins

2016-02-12T13:07:03+00:00February 10th, 2016|

On Monday 8th of February at a wintery Test Valley School, Harrow Way year 7's became the champions of the first of the 2016's district schools rugby tournaments. The boys arrived full of ambition and were soon into the action playing Test Valley A's. The game was contested well but ended in a stalemate with [...]

KS3 Netball Results

2016-02-04T12:32:00+00:00February 4th, 2016|

Both our Year 7 & 8 netball teams were in action on the netball court this week at the Clere School. Year 7 were victorious with an 8-3 win, under captaincy of Victoria Butler. Coaches' player of the match was Donna Doig. The Year 8 team also claimed victory with a 3-0 win, best player [...]

Innovative Harrow Way initiative ‘Guaranteed’ to be a success

2016-02-03T11:27:24+00:00February 3rd, 2016|

‘The Harrow Way Guarantee,’ a new initiative launched by Harrow Way last term to help students be more rounded individuals and learn about life in modern Britain is already proving to be a huge success and supports the governments new citizenship requirements. Deputy Headteacher Mark Warren, who introduced the innovative scheme [...]

BTEC Dance Production – Snow White

2016-02-02T11:44:48+00:00February 2nd, 2016|

This year's BTEC Dance production of Snow White was performed to sell out audiences on the 27th, 28th & 29th January 2016. The show was comprised of 100 students studying BTEC Dance at Harrow Way and choreographed and directed by Curriculum Leader for Dance, Miss Walker. Pictures of the show can be viewed here. The [...]

England Rugby Training at Twickenham

2016-02-01T11:01:28+00:00February 1st, 2016|

Mr Reed and Mrs Cook took 35 pupils from years 7, 8 ,9 and 10 to Twickenham rugby stadium to watch the new England rugby team in an open training session. The students got to watch some rugby legends, as well as future stars, honing their skills as well as listen to some interviews with [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 19 – LGBT History Month

2016-02-10T12:34:26+00:00February 1st, 2016|

Last weeks assemblies were based around LGBT History Month – commitment to equality and celebrating diversity. Mr Fluellen (Assistant Headteacher) based his assembly on his heroes, one of which was persecuted for being gay, Oscar Wilde. He also explored society's need to label and categorise people and how this can be empowering for those in [...]

Year 9 Football

2016-01-29T16:08:06+00:00January 29th, 2016|

The year 9 football team won convincingly against Test Valley in the Quarter Final of the Winchester and District Cup. They initially conceded a goal within 5 minutes due a defensive mix up but responded with a great display of direct attacking football to win 10-1. Man of the match was Callum Dewhurst with a [...]

Girls Football Success

2017-03-07T10:21:03+00:00January 27th, 2016|

The Harrow Way Year 8 and 9 Girls Football team made it two district champions in two successive weeks following the Year 9 and 10 girls last week. They produces an excellent display in the District Tournament, held at Wellington Academy, remaining unbeaten in 5 games. Won v Rookwood 1-0 - scorer Megan Davies Won [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 18 – Globalisation

2016-02-04T14:53:04+00:00January 25th, 2016|

On the 18th of January in their assembly, 7JG celebrated the work of Martin Luther King and his legacy. The Power Point Presentation was running on a loop while students were entering the Auditorium. This gave each student a chance to learn a bit about Martin Luther King and watch a [...]

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