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So far maya has created 1082 blog entries.

Hampshire Schools Cross Country Championships

2017-03-08T10:33:44+00:00March 8th, 2017|

On Tuesday 7th March, three Harrow Way students represented the Andover District in the County Cross Country Championships on an unexpectedly sunny afternoon in Basingstoke. We had one athlete qualify in each event of the Under 13 Girls, Under 13 Boys and Under 14 Girls - Hannah Salter, Bertie Jones and Victoria Butler. With [...]

Year 8 Football Report

2017-03-03T09:27:48+00:00March 3rd, 2017|

The Year 8 Football team played beautifully to win 3-1 against a talented Wellington Academy team in the Andover District league. The team showed their class playing in a structured dominating manner. Aston Mussells opening goal was the highlight of the three goals rocketing into the top corner from 25 yards. Dylan Willard made it [...]

Year 7 and 8 Girls Football Tournament

2017-02-16T11:22:27+00:00February 16th, 2017|

The Year 7 and 8 girls took part in a Football tournament held at John Hanson School on Wednesday 15th February. There was an A and a B team and both teams played exceptionally well together. Three schools took part; John Hanson, Test Valley and Harrow Way and each team played [...]

Harrow Way students Dress Up For Digits

2017-02-14T14:23:25+00:00February 14th, 2017|

Students and teachers at Harrow Way Community School celebrated the NSPCC’s Number Day, a nationwide maths fundraising event, recently raising over £700 for the charity. ‘Dress up for Digits’ was a special non-uniform day with students and teachers making a donation to wear an item of clothing with a number on [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 20 – LGBT History Month

2017-02-13T11:28:21+00:00February 13th, 2017|

This week tutor teams presented to their respective year groups on LGBT History Month. Linking their assemblies to Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 2: You have the right to protection against discrimination. This means that nobody can treat you badly because of your colour, sex or religion, [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 19 – House Assemblies

2017-02-13T11:03:28+00:00February 13th, 2017|

This week assemblies were presented by the Heads of Houses. Emphasis was given to the importance of participation in the community, by taking up a hobby, playing for a sports team, joining a local drama group or attending other social events.

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 18 – Holocaust Memorial Day

2017-01-27T14:11:03+00:00January 27th, 2017|

The 27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day and also marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp. To commemorate this, assemblies this week have been looking at this year’s theme of ‘how can Life go on?’. Mrs Essop, Curriculum Leader of Humanities, presented this assembly with students from Year 11, some of whom [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 17 – Dare not to Swear

2017-01-27T13:25:11+00:00January 27th, 2017|

This weeks assemblies reflected on the work between Year 8 and 10 students on bad language. The assembly was presented by Miss Atherton and 3 Year 10 students. They looked at swearing and inappropriate language and the right and wrong situations where it is ok to use that sort of language. The presentation can be [...]

Former American Footballer Inspires Year 11s With Their Game Plan

2017-01-24T12:44:58+00:00January 24th, 2017|

Harrow Way Year 11s started 2017 with a big inspirational bang in the form of ex pro-American footballer Jim Roberson. Motivational coach Jim has worked with the school for a number of years and his unique style has provided a winning formula in getting Year 11s game ready for their exams [...]

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