We are proud to announce that Harrow Way Community School has been recognised for its outstanding careers work and was awarded the prestigious national Quality in Careers Standard on 11th July 2023, accredited by CSW Investor in Careers as ‘fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks.’ Today/21st November, the school was presented with a plaque recognising this achievement by School Improvement manager Jean Thorpe on behalf of Councillor Forster.
The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school.
The assessor acknowledged the strong careers provision at Harrow Way Community School and stated:
- There is a clear strategic vision, commitment, and effective management of the careers programme within Harrow Way Community School led by the Headteacher, Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team for the benefit of their students.
- Careers education, information, advice and guidance evaluation is fully integrated into the School’s evaluation procedures which are robust and timely. This is an example of good practice.
- The Careers Adviser is Level 7 qualified and proactive in working with a wide range of key partners for the benefit of the students. She is funded by the School to work three days per week to provide information, advice and guidance interviews and careers curriculum development.
- Students are afforded a range of career learning opportunities with a wide range of key stakeholders.
- The School produces a weekly newsletter ‘Ways Forward’ to ensure that students are informed about local and national opportunities. This is well received.
- The School is proactive in engaging with local employers and national work related projects.
Mrs Dawn German, Headteacher, said ‘We are thrilled to have achieved the national Quality in Careers Standard. We recognise the important role that careers education in school plays, and our students are encouraged to develop their knowledge, skills and experience so that they can move on to further study or apprenticeships following their time with us. Our varied Careers programme offers a range of activities to introduce students to the world of work including a work experience programme for Year 10 students, and lots of support to help Year 11 students make decisions about their post-16 options. This standard has provided a useful framework to enable us to audit our work on careers and ensure that our students are receiving the advice, practical support and experience they need so they are prepared for the next stage of their education or training.’
You can find out more about Harrow Way’s Careers programme here.