Harrow Way Wins National Award for Student Attendance

2023-02-28T09:26:43+00:00February 28th, 2023|

Harrow Way Community School has won a Fischer Family Trust (FFT) award for student attendance. The school’s attendance was in the top 25% of all similar schools nationally for the 2022 autumn term. The Fischer Family Trust (FFT) collects daily attendance data from over 10,500 schools to help schools track, monitor and compare their [...]

Students ‘Get Inspired’ as part of National Apprenticeship Week 2023

2023-02-24T10:45:25+00:00February 24th, 2023|

Year 10 Harrow Way students attended a Get Inspired event run by EBP South as part of a series of events in the school to mark National Apprenticeship Week 2023. Students headed over to the Apollo Hotel in Basingstoke to learn about careers in their local area. Employers and training providers were all at [...]

Harrow Way’s Green Power Challenge Go Kart is race ready

2023-02-01T11:18:07+00:00February 1st, 2023|

Harrow Way’s Green Power Challenge Go Kart, donated to the school by the Joseph Stannah Foundation, is race ready. The Year 8-11 students recently took the Go Kart on its maiden voyage as they test drove it around the school’s tennis courts, putting both their Go Kart building and driving skills to the test. [...]

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