COVID 19 Testing

2021-10-31T15:41:27+00:00October 31st, 2021|

We hope our school community have had a relaxing half term break. In order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we would appreciate as many people as possible completing a Lateral Flow Test before returnin to school next week.Further details on the process, as well as the link to the form to report the [...]

Harrow Way Welcomes Lieutenant-General Sir Freddie Viggers

2021-10-18T12:28:58+01:00October 18th, 2021|

Lieutenant-General Freddie Viggers, recently visited Harrow Way to thank the school’s teaching team and staff for all the work done supporting students and parents through the ongoing pandemic. The Lieutenant-General visited the school on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire who was keen to show their appreciation and gratitude for the extra effort and commitment made [...]

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