School reopening – initial information

2021-02-23T15:26:37+00:00February 23rd, 2021|

Dear Parent/Carer You will no doubt be aware that it has been announced that all students will return to school from Monday 8th March; we are so excited to be seeing everyone again! The challenge will be around onsite testing. Please be patient as we plan how best to manage this. The Government has given [...]

Children’s Mental Health Week 

2021-02-03T10:40:06+00:00February 3rd, 2021|

Dear Parents and Carers Children’s Mental Health Week  Welcome to February! We are now less than two school weeks away from the February half term. The school will be closed fully from Monday, February 15th and will reopen for critical worker and vulnerable students from Monday, February 22nd. You will no doubt have followed stories [...]

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