Dress Down Day – Thursday 10th December

2020-12-15T13:02:23+00:00November 30th, 2020|

Thursday 10th December would have been the date for our annual Christmas Fair which is normally a brilliant, fun event that also raises funds for charity. As this cannot take place this year due to current restrictions we would still like to mark the day with a dress down day to raise donations for [...]

KS4 Presentation Evening 2020

2020-11-19T10:14:18+00:00November 19th, 2020|

Normally, at this time, we would be writing to our outgoing Year 11 students to confirm the plans for an upcoming GCSE Presentation Evening. However, despite our optimism around being able to host the event, current government guidance on COVID-19 related to social distancing and the size of gatherings permitted, means that we will sadly [...]

Harrow Way Contributes to National Ofsted Work

2020-12-15T09:52:50+00:00November 17th, 2020|

Harrow Way school recently hosted Ofsted who was gaining insight into the impact the extended schools’ closure has had on students across England. The fact-finding visit will feed into a national report for the government and the education sector with Harrow Way’s views and experiences helping to inform future policy. Harrow [...]

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