Coronavirus Update from the Headteacher – 12/03/2019

2020-03-13T15:51:21+00:00March 13th, 2020|

I am writing to give you further information on our school’s approach to the Coronavirus outbreak and guidance to families who are unsure of their responsibilities. Please rest assured that we are following Government Guidance, which is updated on a regular basis. Today, Thursday 12 March, the Department for Education has issued a statement in [...]

Cancellation of Curriculum Evening – Thursday 12th March

2020-03-13T15:51:37+00:00March 11th, 2020|

As a precautionary measure, we have decided to cancel any large scale non-essential events scheduled in school this week. As a result, we will be cancelling the Year 9 Curriculum Evening scheduled to take place tomorrow. There are currently no further changes planned and school will be open as usual to all students and staff. [...]

September 2020 Information

2020-03-13T15:51:45+00:00March 5th, 2020|

The first day of term, Thursday 3rd September 2020 is an INSET Day.  No students should attend. On Friday 4th September, all new intake Year 7 students plus selected Year 11 Prefects should attend. On Monday 7th September, all students should attend.

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