Andover Trees United – Flowerbed Storytime

2019-05-16T12:20:38+01:00May 16th, 2019|

Andover Trees United are looking for support and help for Flowerbed Storytime which is part of their '6 Trees &6 Flowers" project. The aim of the project is to support the identification of chalk downland wild flowers, especially the following 6 key chalk downland wild flowers: Cowslip, Primrose, Dog Violet, Lady’s Bedstraw, Birdsfoot Trefoil and [...]

Friday 3rd May – Non-Uniform Day

2019-05-07T08:35:18+01:00May 2nd, 2019|

On Friday 3rd May we held a non-uniform day in aid of the Charity, Amazing Alice. From the donations from the non-school uniform day and the selling of Alice Ribbons, we have raised £800 for the Amazing Alice Charity. On Friday 4th May it will be two years since we lost Alice Razza. Alice was [...]

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