Harrow Way Catering Students see the UK’s Best Chefs in Action

2018-12-19T15:51:23+00:00December 18th, 2018|

Harrow Way Catering students were treated to a day of celebrity chefs, cooking inspiration and exciting new flavours as they attended the BBC’s flagship Good Food Show in Birmingham recently. The trip, for 45 Year 9 students was designed to inspire their cooking creativity and develop their understanding regarding the provenance [...]

KS3 Girls Indoor Football Tournament

2018-12-13T11:12:19+00:00December 13th, 2018|

Harrow Way hosted a very successful girls indoor football tournament on Wednesday 12th December, with 8 teams from 5 schools taking part. With the competition split into 2 pools, each team were to play 3 games, with the winner from both pools playing a final. 'Harrow Way 2' was a completely Year 7 team, and [...]

50th Anniversary Tree Planted

2018-12-07T12:47:33+00:00December 7th, 2018|

As part of the National Tree Week celebrations we have planted a Wild Cherry at the front of school. The tree was part of a bid from the tree council and we were fortunate to be able to find a rain free window in which to plant it. The students who have been instrumental [...]

Year 7 Rugby

2018-12-05T11:48:17+00:00December 5th, 2018|

The year 7 Rugby Team played their first warm up practice fixture against a strong side from Wyvern College Salisbury. Although they lost 20-5, the performance was excellent from all players. Player of the match goes to Alex Birmingham for his hard straight running.

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