Headteacher’s Blog – Week 41 – Final Blog of the Year

2016-07-22T22:17:03+01:00July 22nd, 2016|

We certainly know how to finish on a high here at Harrow Way! The last few weeks have seen two excellent awards evenings for Year 7/8 and 9/10. These were followed by celebration assemblies for all year groups. These events are a great way to finish the year, recognising the achievements of students who have [...]

From Andover to the tropical rainforest for Harrow Way Geography students

2016-07-18T08:48:21+01:00July 18th, 2016|

With the world’s tropical rainforests slightly too far away for a day trip, Harrow Way Community School Year 8 Geographers instead found themselves exploring Kew Gardens historic Palm House. Considered to be the most important surviving Victorian iron and glass structure in the world, the Palm House proved to be the [...]

KS4 Presentation Evening

2016-07-12T13:31:19+01:00July 12th, 2016|

Congratulations to all the students from Year 9 & 10 who were awarded prizes at Monday Evening's Presentation Evening. Prizes were presented for Effort & Attitude and Progress in each subject area and Head of Year Awards were presented for Contribution, Personal Achievement and Attendance. The Student Leadership Team was also introduced, as well as [...]

Sports Day 2016

2016-07-12T13:42:13+01:00July 12th, 2016|

The whole school was involved in our annual sports day on Monday 11th July. There was amazing effort & commitment from our students to a wide variety of sports, including tennis, javelin, shot put, long jump, track races and the climbing dyno challenge. Unfortunately the day was cut short in the afternoon due to [...]

Hampshire Book Awards 2016

2016-07-08T11:51:07+01:00July 8th, 2016|

Last week a group of Year 8 Harrow Way students attended the voting for the 2016 Hampshire Book Awards. The students had 3 months to read the 6 shortlisted titles, all published in the last year and voted in the North Hampshire region at Bishop Challoner School, Basingstoke. They spent an [...]

KS3 Presentation Evening 2016

2016-07-05T10:16:11+01:00July 5th, 2016|

We celebrated the achievements of Year 7 & 8 students on the evening of Monday 4th July at our KS3 Presentation Evening. Certificates and prizes were awarded in each subject area for Effort & Attitude and Progress. Head of Year awards were presented for Contribution, Personal Achievement and Attendance. Finally, Headteacher Commendations were awarded to [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 38 – Safeguarding

2016-07-01T11:38:05+01:00July 1st, 2016|

Assistant Headteacher Mrs K. Woods looked at safeguarding in this weeks assembly, the topics looked at included: Life style choices, Drugs and alcohol, Road Safety, Natural disasters, Terrorism and Abuse. The aim of this weeks assembly was to raise awareness around these issues, how to look after yourself, what to look out for and who [...]

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