NCSFriday 4th December was the 2015 date for the eagerly anticipated annual cluster Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics competition! 22 Harrow Way Leaders gave up a lie in and a day off to support and lead the young athletes from our cluster primary schools. Portway Junior sent four teams while Kimpton, Roman Way, Endeavour and Knights Enham Junior each sent a team. A gallery of pictures can be viewed here.

Amazing athletes and brilliant leaders meant that a fantastic afternoon was enjoyed by all, with many records broken, including Ella Taylor’s 2010 record! All teams demonstrated perfect sportsmanship with the Respect award going to Girls 2 and Boys 1. In the A team competition, Portway Junior had an exceptionally strong team and, by winning, will now go through to represent Harrow Way at the Test Valley qualifying round. Kimpton, with some Year 5 joining their Year 6, also showed a very high level of skill. In the Year 5 competition, there were strong performances by all. However Portway proved the strongest team in this as well and were awarded the winners’ medals.

Well done and thank you to everyone, athletes and leaders! A brilliant day!

Harrow Way leaders:
Year 11: Ella Taylor, Kiera Grimison, Erica Anoma and Holly Healy
Year 10: Amy Elkins and Alicia Button
Year 9: Josh Bishop
Year 8: Connor Burrows, Agata Ruminska, Zuzanna Fialkowska, Charlotte Brown and Liberty Southgate
Year 7: Alicia Lund, Jessica Munday, Libby West, Isabella Gimitrove-Smith, Emily Cook, Abi Heaton, Jada Jones, Liliana Lopes, Ryan Felton and Kittrina Gray.