Year 9 Football

2015-10-16T08:57:33+01:00October 16th, 2015|

Year 9 boys football started the season with an emphatic win against test valley (8-0) with Rhys Evans scoring a hat trick. However, they were unlucky to lose a very tight match against John Hanson. James McDermott scored two goals with William McChardy showing some great ball playing in a competitive match. Team: Jack Clark [...]

Year 9 District Netball Champions

2015-10-15T09:28:19+01:00October 15th, 2015|

On Wednesday 23rd September, the Year 9 Netball team took part in a district netball round robin competition at John Hanson School. The Year 9 team were crowned district champions. Team: Ella Simmonds, Emily Tunney, Amy Knight, Kayleigh Wheeler, Holly Phillips, Tash Ann Henry, Rebecca Tommony, Katie Jenkins, Caitlin Owen, Jade Joy. [...]

A walk in the park … and very pretty it was too!

2015-10-14T14:44:15+01:00October 13th, 2015|

On Friday 2nd October, Mrs Gibbs from the Art Department took Year 10 Art students to visit the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens at Ampfield near Romsey, where they viewed the “Art in the Garden 2015” exhibition including exhibits from Harrow Way students, collected visual information for their Natural World Form project, photographed and drew natural forms from [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 5 – Democracy

2015-10-13T09:01:47+01:00October 13th, 2015|

This week we have been considering our role as active citizens, year 7 found out about the Harrow Way Guarantee which will give them opportunities to get further involved in the life of the school and beyond. Other years were looking at forms of government from Anarchy to Democracy and what it would be like [...]

Sports Results

2015-10-09T10:23:10+01:00October 9th, 2015|

The Year 8 boys football team had an unlucky defeat against John Hanson School on Thursday night. Team: Frankie Fisher, Jed Trengove, Ryan Prasad, Kial Mumford, Joe Mumford, James Potter, Elliot Smith, Josh McCrum, Tom Eyles, Keaton Harris, Casey Mellor, Sam Swatton, Ethan Long. Five students took part in the Under 14 District Badminton tournament [...]

Netball Results – 7th October 2015

2015-10-08T09:50:56+01:00October 8th, 2015|

Harrow Way Year 9 netball team were victorious over Test Valley at a home match on Wednesday evening with the final score being 17-11. Team: Ella Simmonds, Emily Tunney, Amy Knight, Kayleigh Wheeler, Holly Phillips, Tash Ann Henry, Rebecca Tommony, Katie Jenkins, Caitlin Owen, Jade Joy. Player of the match - Holly Phillips   The [...]

Headteacher’s Blog – Week 4 – Rewards

2015-10-05T10:11:50+01:00October 5th, 2015|

This week assemblies were run by tutor teams. The Year 7 assembly linked to the RRS right of the week: Article 19: Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect, and mistreatment by their parents or anyone else who looks [...]

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