We Say Goodbye to our Year 11 Students

2015-05-22T14:08:29+01:00May 22nd, 2015|

On Monday 22nd May we formally said goodbye to our Year 11 students as this was the last day they will be altogether again before the Summer Holidays. We celebrated by holding a special leaver's assembly which was presented by Year Leader Mr Reed, where all the forms tutors gave a goodbye message. Students received [...]

National Autistic Society – Coffee Morning

2015-05-13T12:35:35+01:00May 13th, 2015|

The National Autistic Society (NAS) North Hampshire Branch - Andover are holding their first coffee morning at The Lunar Hare on Wednesday 20th May 2015, 9.30am - 11.30am. They will be located in 'the snug' and it will provide a great opportunity to meet their team and find out more information and get support on [...]

Jack the Ripper Walk

2015-05-12T11:29:23+01:00May 12th, 2015|

On Thursday 7th May, 49 year 10 students and 5 staff set off on a History trip to London. Despite the very long coach journey and arriving a little later than planned, we arrived safe and sound in Whitechapel, ready to start our Jack the Ripper walking tour. Splitting into two groups, we set off [...]

Tri Golf Triumphs!

2015-05-11T09:51:29+01:00May 11th, 2015|

Tri Golf has taken over the Harrow Way Sports Hall in recent weeks, with hundreds of balls being putted and chipped! First it was the turn of the Year 2 children to take part in their festival. In its seventh year, it is still as popular as ever! Three teams from [...]

House Photography Competition

2015-05-08T12:03:55+01:00May 8th, 2015|

Congratulations to the participants of the House photography competition. There were some fantastic entries which made for a difficult decision for our judges: Miss Pittman, Miss Herbert and Mr. Manson. Winners are: 1 Emily Baulf (Kestrels); 2 Megan Donner (Buzzards); 3 Josh Ingram (Buzzards). The staff also got in the mix and first prize went [...]

Festival Fun at Andover Rugby Club!

2015-05-08T15:07:17+01:00May 8th, 2015|

Harrow Way Community School, alongside Aster Communities and Andover Rugby Club, organised and ran the 9th Andover and District Tag Rugby Festival recently. One of the largest tournaments in Hampshire, it welcomed over 400 children from local primary schools who enjoyed more than 130 matches! Split into two age groups, mixed [...]

School Mock Election

2015-05-08T10:12:43+01:00May 8th, 2015|

On 6th May, the school voted in a mock election and the students were really enthusiastic about having their own say. Lots of subjects capitalised on this by having politically themed lessons and tutors have been debating the issues with their tutor groups all week. The school is buzzing with talk about the election and [...]

Vote for us now in the Aviva Community Fund

2015-05-05T11:56:36+01:00May 5th, 2015|

Please help us by voting for us in the Aviva Community Fund, we are seeking to build a bespoke Drama and Dance facility that will be a genuine community hub. The new facility will be a separate structure, providing a much needed dedicated space for performing arts lessons, as well as allowing independent access by [...]

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